Tong Siyao said in a low voice, "Then you take a rest."

When she hung up, Sheng Yiting heard the busy tone and became irritable again.

He estimated that when she went to the airport at this time, she would be on the plane in at most an hour, and she would definitely arrive before five o'clock in the afternoon.

He checked the flight schedule on the Internet, locked a few flights, and decided to go to the airport to wait and see.

After lunch, guests came one after another. Because it was Sheng Yiting's birthday, there were few elders, only Yu Xinya, Tian Cheng, Zeng Shuai, Wu Di, and the rest were peers.

Sheng Yi Ting remembered Tong Siyao hung up, played with them for a while and went out.

Fortunately, everyone is very familiar with it and didn't care. When he left, he also made fun of him, discussing how to prank him, and how to say bad things about him when he saw his girlfriend.

Sheng Shuangxue listened to the heated discussion and asked angrily: "Why are you so bad?!"

Everyone said: "You kid doesn't understand, we are doing it for his good."

She snorted: "Then I don't care! My brother and sister-in-law, only I can bully."

"You bullied 365 days a year, so what happened to us in one day?" Simon asked.

Sheng Shuangxue opened her mouth and suddenly stopped talking. She has never been a selfish person. It seems that there is nothing wrong with just sharing a day, but deep down in her heart she is always a little unwilling.

Yu Xinya smiled and said, "I have brought an anatomy book, shall we read it together?"

Sheng Shuangxue's eyes lit up and immediately took her to her room.

Simon shouted: "Sister! Don't care about it, Yu Xinya has broken Shuangxue!"


Sheng Yiting rushed to the airport and waited for two hours at the exit, but did not wait until Tong Siyao.

After five o'clock, Gong Mo called and urged him to go home.

He simply went to the airport staff and asked them to help check Tong Siyao's flight.

After checking, the staff apologized and said, "Master Sheng, no one named Tong Siyao took the flight today."

"How is it possible?! Did you miss it?"

The staff did not dare to argue, so they had to say: "I will check it again."

"Be careful!" Sheng Yiting said angrily.

The staff simply extended the time to the last month and finally found it!

"Look, Mr. Sheng, Miss Tong went to Xiyuan on the 24th plane, and then...well, came back yesterday."

Sheng Yiting looked at the flight record blankly, his mind buzzing.


She has returned!

Then why did she lie to him?

Sheng Yiting walked out of the airport tiredly, got into the car, and heard the phone ring. When I picked it up, it was Gong Mo calling.

He threw it aside and didn't care.

What happened? Siyao what's wrong? Just because that day, he didn't accompany her home in time?

When he got home, he was totally devastated. There is always a feeling that the relationship between him and Tong Siyao for more than a year will come to an end. So suddenly, without warning.

No, there are signs. After her mother had a car accident, she suddenly changed.

But she was obviously good before, and she was not such a stingy person, what happened?

Sheng Yiting walked to the door of the house and opened the door, only to hear a bang, countless fireworks fell from his head, and the people in the room screamed, "Surprise!"

He hangs his head, his soul is not alive, and he does not move.

The people in the room were stunned for a moment, and suddenly did not dare to speak.

In silence, Gong Mo walked quickly to his side and pulled his sleeve.

He raised his head and suddenly saw Tong Siyao standing in the middle of the crowd, wearing a red cashmere coat, his cheeks lined up like fat, which could be broken by a bomb. (To be continued~^~)

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