Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1315: I have someone else

"I hate your political journey!" Tong Siyao cried, "Have you forgotten? I was very upset when I first learned that you were a councillor! My father died on the battlefield because of people like you!"

"You are angering!" Sheng Yiting said angrily.

"I know..." Tong Siyao lowered her head, "but it is irretrievable. When I was hesitating, someone else appeared...I have someone else."

Sheng Yiting shook his body and looked at her incredulously.

But at this moment, he actually couldn't get angry, because the whole heart was hurting, and the pain was so painful that he took away all the strength of his body!

He stared at her, feeling numbness in his limbs, and a painful sensation from his fingertips and toes.

He opened his mouth, his throat was blocked, and said with difficulty, "Today is my birthday."

"I know." Tong Siyao lowered her head, her whole body also very dumb.

"Know?" Sheng Yiting laughed miserably, and asked accusingly, "This is the birth, day, gifts, and things you gave me?!"

Tong Siyao's lips squirmed and said dumbly: "I'm sorry..."

"You lied to me, didn't you?" Sheng Yiting looked up at the ceiling, trying to force back the tears in his eyes, "How can you have someone else? You are not such a person."

Tong Siyao squeezed her hands and felt the phone in her purse vibrate again, wondering what threatening words the demon had made.

and many more! Is it, the bomb has exploded, right?

no, I can not……

She raised her head and said decisively to Sheng Yiting: "Originally not! But this time when I went home, I...I was confused for a while and had a relationship with him..."

Sheng Yiting looked at her suddenly, his brain humming: "You say it again!"

Tong Siyao cried with a low headache: "I'm sorry..."

She didn't want to hurt him so much.

"Heh..." Sheng Yiting smiled miserably, "So... are you so abnormal recently?"


"Why are you crying?!" Sheng Yiting shouted, "Get out of here!"

Tong Siyao turned around and ran out, Sheng Yiting suddenly went crazy and rushed to hug her.

"What are you doing?!" Tong Siyao asked in horror, "Let go of me!"

Sheng Yiting put his hand in her pocket and took out her mobile phone: "He texted you, right?! Who is he!"

"What are you doing?!" Tong Siyao crawled over in horror, "Give it back to me!"

She grabbed the phone and stepped back to the wall, looking at him almost desperately.

Just a moment ago, he scanned the short-term reminder message, which was not real, as if he saw a sentence: Is it divided?

That person asked her to break up with herself?

He looked at her: "Will he be better than me?"

Tong Siyao took a look at the phone, and asked in the text message: Is it divided? I can't wait.

She felt cold all over, gritted her teeth in her heart, and cursed: Devil! demon!

But if you think about it carefully, if that's the case, Sheng Yiting shouldn't be able to see his feet.

She hurriedly stood up, turned around and walked outside, leaving a sentence: "Okay, I understand it in my heart."

He opened the door and found everyone crowded outside, looking at them worriedly.

Her arms trembled, she let go of the doorknob, and she squeezed out the crowd.

Gong Mo shouted, "Stop!"

Tong Siyao was shocked and stopped.

"What's the matter with you?" Gong Mo asked angrily. These words were directed at Sheng Yiting and even Tong Siyao.

She is optimistic about Tong Siyao, does not mean she agrees with her to hurt her son!

Sheng Yiting roared in the room: "Let her go!"

Tong Siyao smiled palely, and left without looking back. (To be continued~^~)

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