Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1336: It's all Yi Ting's fault

Sheng Yiting took a deep breath, took a sip of coffee, and then received a call from Gong Mo.

He didn't go home for the night on New Year's Eve, and at the beginning of the New Year, he would not see anyone in bed. Gong Mo was going crazy.

Sheng Yiting sighed, put down his coffee and went home.

When he walked into the house, he saw Sheng Shuangxue in front of him, dressed in red, and stretched out his hand to him: "Gongxi, get rich~"

Sheng Yiting touched his body, but was not ready for anything, so he had to say, "Wait a minute."

Entering the living room, Gong Mo and Shan Rong each sent him a red envelope, and he changed hands and gave one to Sheng Shuangxue.

Sheng Shuangxue snorted: "It's too insincere." But he still accepted the red envelope.

Sheng Yiting said: "Mom and grandma have a big bag, but I have a small bag."

"You are so embarrassed to say~"

"Have you eaten?" Gong Mo asked, "What about your uncle? Aren't you together?"

"He is probably still sleeping. I'll give him a call." Sheng Yiting picked up the phone and went back to the room, turned his head and said, "I haven't eaten yet."

Gong Mo glared at him, and gave a maid leave for the New Year's Eve, and she could only cook by herself.

Seeing Shan Rong frowning, she comforted: "Simon should be back soon."

Shan Rong held her forehead tiredly. She knows her son, he must have gone romantic again, this is the first day of the new year!

Gong Mo said awkwardly: "It's all Yi Ting's fault!"

Simon mixed up again, if it weren't for Sheng Yiting's convulsions, he would not go out for the New Year. But he is behaved, he is crazy, will he become a wild horse when he goes out?

Not long after Sheng Yiting called, Simon came back with an overly indulgent face, so that Shan Rong would not let him down.

Simon also recognized the mistake.

Last night, he was overwhelmed with alcohol and brainwashed by worms. He just wanted to be happy. He felt that Chinese New Year was just a date and it didn't matter. Now he calmed down, he felt guilty and felt that his behavior was indeed wrong!

Let’s not talk about the fact that my parents ran back for the New Year, this is at my sister’s house, and they left from the state banquet last night, how many people watched...how do you look at him, he is not reliable!

Fortunately, he doesn't have a sweetheart now, otherwise, who would like him?

So in the next few days, both uncles and nephews were very honest. Sheng Yiting was not very interested in eating, drinking, and having fun. Simon would not pull him outside when he was out of interest, so the two of them stayed at home in a proper manner and stopped going crazy.

If you have nothing to do, you can play video games at home, and you usually go to visit the New Year.

When I went to Yu's house, Yu Xinran was there.

Seeing that it was only her and Lu Rou, Gong Mo asked, "Lu Song didn't come back this year?"

"I said that I set up a scientific research group with my classmates. Others are not young enough, so he is embarrassed to walk away." Yu Xinran said helplessly, "I don't know if it is true or not. I'm afraid he will be left unattended and learnt. Fei passed by early in the morning, so it's good to see him."

Gong Mo nodded. That's why it's no wonder that Lu Fei, who has always stuck to her, didn't come.

Lu Rou smiled and said, "Mom and dad don't tell elder brother, this is going for a surprise inspection."

"Where is the inspection? Obviously to surprise your brother." Min Ling smiled.

Gong Mo thought, Lu Song had some son-in-law habits when he was in China, but there was no major problem in his conduct. No one cares if you go abroad. It's easy to learn badly, but maybe you have self-control? But for those who are celebrating the New Year, it is good for Lu Fei to check it out, at least to bring some warmth.

Yu Xinran sighed: "I don't know what's going on this year. All of a sudden, only me and Rourou are in China." (To be continued~^~)

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