But it is also possible that Yang Shu just took advantage of this and made up a daughter to deceive herself.

Therefore, when Yao Lei saw Yao Yiyi, he was happy and guarded. Although he loves Yao Yiyi, he will never reveal his situation in front of Yao Yiyi.

No, it’s not...

Anyway, he is used to being cheated.


Sheng Nanxuan got up and went directly to the presidential palace.

Yao Lei has entered the country, but planes and ships of country J have also chased the border. Early in the morning, the Chinese military condemned Country J.

Country J did not dare to say bluntly that it was tracking Yao Lei, and planes and ships had been going around outside.

China also sent out planes and ships, and other countries looked at it and they were about to fight again.

Country M was blown up in Misty Island and became very aggrieved, and jumped up and down, making the international situation very tense.

Hua Guo didn't care, Yao Lei entered safely, everyone was happy. If anyone dares to come, fight it!

Sheng Nanxuan asked the president: "What is the next arrangement for Yao Lei?"

The president said: "First take it back in secret and check his physical condition. He has been there for so many years, and he doesn't know whether the physical and psychological aspects will be affected, so he needs to be treated properly."

Sheng Nanxuan nodded: "Don't worry about anything else, just come back. It is most important for him to be physically and mentally stable. He has paid enough for the country, and the country should not squeeze him anymore."

The president nodded: "It is said that he is somewhat defensive, and he is probably a frightened bird. I hope he will do well..."

Sheng Nanxuan asked: "Where are the remaining people?"

The person reporting the situation paused and said, "Queen died."

"Dead?" Sheng Nanxuan frowned.

He was a little guarded against Queen before, but now he feels it is a pity.

This woman is an individual talent, but now she is dead in this business. I don't know if the remaining few will avenge her.

"They didn't enter the country, so they handed Yao Lei to us and transferred to Southeast Asia. We sent someone there to meet them so that they won’t get caught up in countries J and M. Will something really happen? result."

The president heard the words and asked Sheng Nanxuan: "What do you think about country J and M now? Together, they don't know what they want to do."

"Ask them for compensation!" Sheng Nanxuan said.

The president nodded: "I think so too. This matter can't be left alone. Anyway, country J is restless at sea, we will start from here, find it and have a good chat, and country M will also find opportunities to pick them off. A layer of skin!"


Country Y, Shadow Castle.

A lot of people stood on the green grass. In the middle, there was a person and a lion-the lion roared at the person and wanted to rush over; the person held the whip and looked at it coldly, waiting for its attack.

This man is the boss of the shadow now, known as King, young and handsome, cruel.

His hobby in recent years has been to tame lions so as to match that woman's abilities.

At this moment, a person hurried over and shouted: "BOSS——"

The lion pounced on King, and King flicked his whip, which was bitten by the lion.

The man who had just made the noise drew his gun and shot the lion.

King dropped the whip and looked at him angrily: "You better have something important!"

The man put down the gun and walked over, saying in his ear: "Queen is dead!"

King was shocked and couldn't believe it. How did that woman die? She can tame a lion!

"How could you die?!" he asked angrily. (To be continued~^~)

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