Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1358: She became Xin Rong

Judy closed her eyes, feeling a headache.

The man was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with you?"

"It hurts..." Judy said boredly, trying to shoot him!

In this life, no one dared to be so wordy in front of her!

She closed her eyes and reached out and rubbed her forehead.

She remembered that she was clearly on Misty Island and had her throat cut by the "Yao Yiyi". It should be dead. An Qi and the others were in trouble at the time, and they definitely couldn't save her in time.

She pinched the palm of her hand lightly with her nails, and she felt a little painful, she was not dreaming.

But how come you open your eyes and see the person in your dream?

Moreover, the principle of dreaming is to think day by day and dream at night. How can you dream of someone you have never seen before for no reason? Not scientific at all!

Seeing her like this, the man said angrily: "Then you can sleep for a while! Really..."

He curled his lips and stood up suddenly: "I'll call the doctor to show you. If there is nothing wrong, I will be discharged from the hospital. If there is anything, I will observe for another two days! You don't have time to delay here. When you are done, you will return to your country. "

The man went out as he said, Judy opened her eyes sharply when she heard the door closed, her eyes flashing.

She turned over and sat up, moving neatly.

He got up and got out of bed, his body couldn't help but shook, a little dizzy.

She paused, settled, and shook her head to look around.

There was a door in the house, and there seemed to be another room. She walked over and pushed it open. It was the bathroom.

She walked in and looked into the mirror on the sink--

Although I had just speculated, I could not help being surprised when I saw the person in the mirror.

The person in the mirror is actually the girl in the dream. what do you say that is? Xin Rong?

She raised her hand, Xin Rong in the mirror also raised her hand;

She touched her face, Xin Rong in the mirror was also touching her face;

She stretched out her hand slowly, and Xin Rong in the mirror was the same;

She stretched her hand to the mirror, and Xin Rong stretched her hand over. Two fingers touch each other through the mirror. A faint water halo appeared in the middle of the mirror, blurring their faces.

Knocking! Knocking!

There was a knock on the door, Judy woke up suddenly, retracted her hand, and saw Xin Rong in the mirror with a look of shock.

She colded her face, and Xin Rong's expression became cold.

She wiped her face, and when she put it down, seeing Xin Rong also put her hand from her face.

She took a deep breath, and Xin Rong in the mirror was the same.

She turned around helplessly-it seemed that she had become this Xin Rong. The dream just now should be the memory left in Xin Rong's body.

Although unbelievable, she is the queen of the mercenary world who has experienced countless storms, and she is calm.

No matter how this happened, she will figure it out slowly.

Hmm... The hope is still in the original world, otherwise it would not make much sense to be clear.

If you are in the original world, you can still continue to do something.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she paused, her eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips—it looked like she was still in the original world.

"Huh?" Simon looked at her, "Are you all right?"

She smiled softly, walked over, searched Xin Rong's memory in her mind, and could actually remember something.

When the first memory struck, other memories came like an explosion, making her a headache!

She frowned, holding back the pain.

This is nothing.

In this life, there has been a lot of bullets and bullets, and I have even experienced death. What is this pain?

Simon hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with you? Is it a headache?"

She held her forehead, temporarily suppressed those memories, looked at him and shook her head. (To be continued~^~)

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