Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1362: Xin Rong's life experience

"This..." Shan Rong thought for a while and nodded, "It's okay. It's almost the same after playing for a few years. I'm out every day and I'm really worried about you and your sister."

"Then I won't go home this time!" Simon said excitedly, "My sister and I will go to China!"

Shan Rong's eyes widened: "Little bastard! Your daughter-in-law is not there yet, so I forgot about it!"

"Ahem~ I'm afraid that when I go home, Dad won't let me come over."

"He dare!"

"...Well, I will accompany you home first." By the way, cool down your excitement.

After cooling down, go to Huaguo to take a look, if you still feel it, chase it, and play if you don't feel it!

Anyway, he will stay in China for a little longer this time, so he won't go home as a coolie!


Judy learned from Xin Rong's memory that Xin Rong and his mother depended on each other since childhood and had no impression of his father. Their mother and daughter live in a strange place, on the westernmost border of China's Xiyuan Province on the border with Country A.

That section of the border line happened to be a dispute between China and A. It had not been resolved for nearly two hundred years, so they retreated 30 miles each, regardless of anyone, so that they became a paradise for smugglers and fugitives.

Xin Rong's mother is quite beautiful, she is indeed an Emilia, living by a local snake boss. That person is from country A. Judging from Xin Rong's appearance, she is not of that person's blood. And the deepest part of Xin Rong's memory, her mother should have been snatched by that person when she was five years old.

In such a place, there is no strong backing, and what awaits them is being bullied by everyone. So when the other party robbed someone, her mother naturally became one of the many women in that person.

After Xin Rong turned ten years old, the man gradually fell in love with Xin Rong, and her mother took her out and escaped into Xiyuan. The people on that ground didn't dare to step into China easily, they were safe, and Xin Rong began to go to school in Xiyuan Province. But two years ago, her mother had lung cancer, and she stepped into the entertainment industry after finishing high school.

She is an entertainer of Stellar Entertainment. The background of Stellar Entertainment, Judy, knows that, unfortunately, Xin Rong is only a newcomer at the lowest level. She can't use this background to show off in the circle. Instead, she will be bullied by the elderly!

Some were framed, some were jealous, and others liked her beautiful body and wanted to devour her.

The person who caused her to jump off the building was called Su Yisheng, who was in her forties and had been in the circle for 30 years and had a deep network. Xin Rong provoked him, and the prospects were worrying.

But for Judy, this is nothing!

She followed Zhang Kaiwen back to China, and Zhang Kaiwen taught her a lot along the way. She frowned and said that her head hurts. When Zhang Kaiwen saw her, she scolded her again and told her to roll back and rest after getting off the plane!

Following the memory, she returned to the dormitory arranged by the company for Xin Rong.

Xin Rong originally lived with another artist in a large suite. Last year, the artist soared into the sky and became a second-liner. Naturally he didn't want to be crowded with people, so Xin Rong moved to his current residence.

The current residence is a small suite with one bedroom and one living room. It is very crowded, and I can't find a place to practice my body.

But for Judy, living alone is better than anything else to facilitate her work.

Putting down her luggage, she turned on the computer and started searching for information.

Zhang Kaiwen said in his memory that Xin Rong and Su Yisheng’s dream lovers looked alike; Su Yisheng also mentioned a singer to Xin Rong.

Judy searched for Xinni based on these information. When she saw Xinni's appearance, she was almost the same as Xin Rong's mother in her mind! (To be continued~^~)

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