Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1364: Worthy of being a brother born to death

Damn if you have something to say, I'm really Judy, why are you changing my password silently? How can I contact you?

Forget it, forget it if you don't believe it, that's your loss!

Xin Rong was so angry that he lay at home, and after a few days he spent all his money, finally decided to find a job.

If the mountain doesn’t come, I’ll just go to the mountain. It’s money to find a dragon to run around!

Xin Rong was filled with excitement when he thought of the hundreds of dollars a day's income from running a dragon!

This reminded her of when she was still in Emilia, to pick up the tatters and sell them for very little money, but the process of accumulating less and more was very fulfilling.

Now, it's time to accumulate more.

She changed her clothes and observed this beautiful body in the mirror. It was a little worse than An Qi's body, but better than her original self.

Although he was exquisite, he was not so soft.

But in this comparison, this body does not have its own vitality!

This face is also good, it is a mixed race, although it is not as good as the purebred Emilia, but it is more charming.

Xin Rong raised his chin and cast a wink at himself in the mirror, full of amorous feelings in purity.

She decided to play in the entertainment circle first, and the entertainment circle is not fun, and then go to play something else.

If the world of normal people is not fun, she can still be a mercenary and a killer! That's her housekeeping skills, she can get money quickly, but she's very familiar with it after working for so many years, she doesn't have any passion or challenge, which is a bit boring.

That will be the last retreat. Now, like a normal person, go and conquer the sea of ​​stars!

Xin Rong picked up the bag, walked to the door swayingly, opened the door, and saw the chameleon standing outside with a finger about to ring the doorbell.

Not only the chameleon, but the other four are also there.

Xin Rong tilted his head and looked at them indifferently.

So it was not that she didn't believe her, but she was found in person? Worthy of being a brother who was born to death, even if she became a ray of dead soul, they took her words to heart.

Xin Rong smiled with satisfaction.

Seeing this smile, the chameleon shuddered inexplicably: Nima! Familiar with! So familiar! This is the smile of the boss when the water starts to drip from his belly!

An Qi squeezed over, stared at her and asked, "You...cough, how do you call it?"

Xin Rong put his hands around his chest and squinted at them: "Do you still know how to come here? I thought you didn't take my words seriously!"

"You really are the boss!" An Qi bit her finger, restraining her excitement.

Xin Rong turned around: "Come in."

The five people followed up, trying to take a look at her residence, and they were shocked by the small space.

Everyone felt distressed, and tears were about to come down.

The boss is so miserable! Ever since I have money, how can I suffer this kind of suffering when I am not working? Such a small place is not as big as the cages of Thirteen and Thirteen!

Xin Rong walked to the sofa and sat down, raising his legs and calling them: "Come and sit down."

The sofa was only enough for four people. Fortunately, there were two chairs. Neo and the Wolf King took the initiative to drag the chairs over to sit.

The air was silent for a while, Xin Rong looked at them, and they also looked at Xin Rong.

After a while, Neo asked: "How do you prove...you are her."

Xin Rong lifted his chin: "Have you changed my password?"


Xin Rong spread his hands: "Well, I also find it incredible, you can test me."

The wolf king looked at her: "With your small body?" (to be continued~^~)

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