Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1370: They don't interfere

Xin Rong pouted: "But now Emilia doesn't recognize the royal family. Otherwise, I will take you to enjoy the glory and wealth!"

"Emilia?!" An Qi screamed, "Forget it! Where is the glory and wealth? It's almost the same!"

Yinhu said: "In such a poor place, the tens of billions of assets of the six of us are not enough to fill in!"

The Wolf King was a little unhappy: "The boss and I are both Emilia."

Xin Rong smiled: "Okay, I'll still order takeaway. This is a real reunion of us. It's not justified not to have a meal together."


A few days after Simon sent Shan Rong back to Italy, he brought a group of hands down to China.

As soon as he got on the plane, Shan Rong called Gong Mo and asked Gong Mo to help him stare at him: "Give him a check. Don't look at him because he used to love to play. It's the first time I'm really serious. I'm afraid he will be deceived."

"Don't worry, he is my younger brother, can I still care about him?" Gong Mo said with a smile.

"Then there is that girl, just tell me!"

"Yes..." Gong Mo fully agreed, and hung up the phone and said to Sheng Nanxuan.

Sheng Nanxuan asked, "Who is it? I asked Zeng Shuai to ask."

"Simon didn't say. When he comes over, won't you know when you act?"

Poor Simon also planned to chase after him quietly, so that the whole world might know.

After arriving in Beijing, Gong Mo asked him to live at home. He felt that it was not convenient for him to chase the goddess under his sister and brother-in-law, so he went to the hotel.

Gong Mo didn't expose him either. Anyway, he had to act in the country, and sooner or later he would use the Sheng family. Sheng Nanxuan had greeted the people below, and once he discovered his actions, he would report it in time. When he was investigating who he was investigating, they knew immediately, and they could ask him as a matter of course.

Gong Mo reported Simon's movement to Shan Rong in time. The two discussed enthusiastically for a long while. Sheng Nanxuan and Gambino were unhappy - actually caring about that stinky boy. Is there still my husband in their hearts? !

Simon is in his twenties. Does an adult need to worry about chasing a woman? Even if you meet a liar, he will grow up if he hits a wall!

Under the complaints of the two, Gong Mo and Shan Rong decided to watch him move in silence and grasp a little movement. They would not interfere...


After thinking about it, Su Yisheng felt something strange. After Xin Rong jumped off the building that day, he did not dare to look, so Zhang Kaiwen took a look. If Sheng Yiting had rescued Xin Rong, Zhang Kaiwen should have seen Sheng Yiting?

He called Zhang Kaiwen and asked about the situation.

Zhang Kaiwen was shocked and didn't dare to look carefully. However, in the hospital, he had dealt with Sheng Yiting and Simon.

He didn't know the two before, but now hearing Su Yisheng say this, he feels that Sheng Yiting is familiar, so he hurriedly searched for photos online.

Although Sheng Yiting is low-key, there are also several photos on the Internet. And this year's New Year's Eve, he went to a state banquet.

Zhang Kaiwen found the picture of the state banquet and was shocked when he saw it: "It's really him! Who is this...and who is this?" He pointed to Simon, "It's the two of them!"

Su Yisheng narrowed his eyes, but after he was sure, he was relieved.

"Don't worry." He said, "The young master of the Sheng family has never been rumored. He will definitely cleanse himself and love himself when he goes into politics, and he will never fall into an artiste! It's just a coincidence that saved her. , She will dare to fake it!" (To be continued~^~)

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