Xin Rong hung up the phone and walked to the man in front.

Seeing her approaching, the man turned around calmly, pretending to walk forward without incident.

Xin Rong shouted: "Handsome guy, wait a minute!"

The man slipped and almost fell: Don't call me handsome, I don't deserve it!

Xin Rong walked over with a smile and asked, "Excuse me, how does the crew of "Marriage Surprise" go?"

The man stared at her, his brain turned rapidly: what to do? The concubines don't know!

"I'm in a hurry." Xin Rong said pitifully.

The man hurriedly said: "Here, follow me!"

Master Simon's sweetheart is in a hurry, absolutely can't let her be late!

He immediately picked up his cell phone, sent messages in groups, and asked for directions.

The power of the masses is strong, and he quickly got feedback, and brought Xin Rong to the crew without problems.

Seeing the situation of the crew, he was stupid!

Wait, isn't this a costume studio? What's the matter with actors wearing modern clothes?

Anyway, Master Simon is on the way here, in order to prevent him from going to the air, he should stay here and watch Miss Xin, and by the way, see what the cast is going to be a monster!

Xin Rong walked in front of Leishi, and Leishi took her aside: "Go to the martial arts instructor first and let him teach you a few movements. If you can learn it, you can perform it."

Xin Rong looked at the actor's costume and asked in a low voice, "Modern drama or ancient drama?"

"I don't know, just do it."

Xin Rong nodded and walked to the martial arts instructor, who saw her with thin arms and legs, and he didn't dislike it. Because none of the actors in this play can play!

He said to Xin Rong: "You use double swords, basically hanging on Via. You don't need to be afraid of the pain. Action scenes are different from other scenes. They look like short films, but they may take a day or two. Wia must hurt. Don’t retreat after shooting, or it will cause everyone trouble."

"Don't worry!" Xin Rong gave Leishi the bag and said to the martial arts instructor, "You let go!"

Martial arts instructor: "..." I want to teach you, not to compare with you, why let the horse come here?

He asked someone to bring two prop swords, let her hold them in her hands, and then demonstrated the action beside: "You follow me..."

Xin Rong fluently pulled up a sword flower and said, "This sword is too light to feel."

The martial arts instructor was taken aback, pointed at her and said, "You play a little more!"

This time, Xin Rong used both hands together, and both hands played together for a while.

The people around were stunned: it looks very basic, quite capable of bluffing.

The martial arts instructor asked: "Will you?"

"I learned it when I was young."

Anyway, the original Xin Rong grew up on the border, and most people can't find out her situation at that time, so it's enough for her to learn her skills as a child.

According to common sense, it is reasonable to grow up in that kind of place and be proficient in all kinds of martial arts~

"Then I will just play for a while, and see if you can learn it."

The martial arts instructor took the sword in her hand and rolled and jumped in the open space next to her, with every move and style.

Xin Rong nodded, it was pretty, but not practical. It's really tricky, especially when it's life and death, it's definitely not the case.

But making movies, everything is for beauty.

When he finished playing, she clapped several times.

The martial arts instructor was very happy to see her in support, and handed her the sword: "Try it."

Xin Rong grabbed his sword and walked to the center of the open space, learning his movements, and the score was not bad.

The martial arts instructor was taken aback.

Who can learn it? This girl's martial arts skills are probably better than him. (To be continued~^~)

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