For the next time, he was immersed in his thoughts.

He remembered that when he first saw her, she had a pure temperament. But... he doesn't feel special when he sees many such women.

On the contrary, she later refreshed his cognition time and time again.

She was like a queen high above her, that kind of aura penetrated her bones, making him want to crawl under her feet.

What he likes is this kind of her, he likes the way she has just deliberately molested herself.

But... how could she be like this?

Simon struggled: she wouldn't do the same to others, would she?


Sheng Yiting has ended his term of office as a member of Parliament and is now applying to be a local official.

He wanted to go to Xiyuan Province at first, but Tong Siyao was so to him, why should he never forget it? After gritting his teeth, he submitted an application for Nanjiang.

It’s good to know where your parents’ hometown is.

The application needs to be reviewed, and the appointment order will be approved. The waiting time is not idle, there is temporary work to do.

Yao Lei is now in a nursing home in Liangxi City, and the president decided to visit him in person. Sheng Yiting was sent to the president and accompanied him.

Liangxi City is located to the northwest of the capital and is adjacent to the capital. It has a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery. Many high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital have private villas there to escape the heat in summer and the cold in winter.

The Yu family once had a large garden there. After Yu Zhengming's death, the garden was left to Yu Qingliu, who built the garden into a private nursing home.

Yao Lei lives in this nursing home.

He has lived for a while, and all aspects of his body and emotion have improved.

When the president was going to give condolences, he originally invited Sheng Nanxuan to go with him.

Sheng Nanxuan wanted to go, but his identity was inappropriate. How could Yao Lei accept that there is a person next to the president who looks higher than the president? So I arranged for Sheng Yiting to go.

To Sheng Yiting, he is no stranger to the Yu's Sanatorium. He had been there since he was a child, but it was not a sanatorium at that time.

After getting off the plane in Liangxi City, his car followed the president's car and slowly drove into the nursing home.

Yu Qingliu came to greet him in person, and saw him raising his eyebrows, first greeted the president to go forward, then stepped back and asked him in a low voice: "Where is your father?"

"Be with my mother." Sheng Yiting looked speechless.

Yu Qingliu smiled and walked to the front to lead the way for the president. So what... he really wants to go home with his wife.

As he walked, the president observed the surrounding scenery and said, "It's a nice place, it's very suitable for people to rest."

"Yeah. Not to mention here, this whole city is like this. Playing Tai Chi, drinking tea, playing chess and skating the birds, don't mention how leisurely."

The president smiled: "Then I will come over when I retire. You can reserve a place for me."

"Tsk~ You are still young, don't come to compete with the elderly!"

The buildings here are ancient buildings, natural mountains and rivers, carefully built houses, elegant and poetic.

While talking, I walked through a bamboo forest. In the bamboo forest, there are rows of wooden houses, and the flower windows on the houses reveal the beauty of ancient times.

The door in the middle was open, and Yu Qingliu led everyone inside. There were two beautiful nurses inside.

The nurse was a little nervous when seeing a big man like the president, and nodded to everyone, pointed to the next door and whispered to Yu Qingliu, "It's always been this way."

Everyone looked over, and there was a Bogu shelf full of things in front of him. Through the mottled gap of the Bogu shelf, he saw a middle-aged man with gray hair. (To be continued~^~)

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