Yao Lei arrived in Xizha City by special plane, still accompanied by Sheng Yiting.

He trusts Sheng Yiting very much, because the girl Sheng Yiting likes is also from Xiyuan. He thinks Sheng Yiting is his own, and the two have a common language.

After getting off the plane, go to the hotel to rest first, and will not leave until tomorrow at the earliest. If Yao Lei wants to visit Xizha City on a whim, he does not know what day he will be.

The hotel they went to was directly under the Yu family. Sheng Yiting had a VIP card, and he had booked a presidential suite before he came.

After entering the room, Sheng Yiting urged the waiter and entourage to organize their luggage.

Yao Lei took the camera and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows to observe the scenery outside.

Sheng Yiting walked over and took a bird's eye view of the city.

Suddenly, Yao Lei asked, "Where is your girl in Xiyuan?"

Sheng Yiting was taken aback for a moment, then returned to his senses and said, "It's in Xizha."

"Are you in a long-distance relationship?"

Sheng Yiting paused, not wanting to complicate the problem, and simply said: "She studied in Beijing before and came back last year."

"Have you graduated?" Yao Lei calculated silently in his heart, and said, "If I really have children, I should have graduated from university. I am all to blame. I have not been back. Zhuo Ya must have suffered... I am disappointed."

"This... she definitely can understand." Sheng Yiting comforted.

"Yes, she's so good." Yao Lei sighed, "but if she blames me, I won't say anything, I was wrong."

Sheng Yiting lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

Yao Lei suddenly pushed him: "You don't want to go!"

"Huh?" Where to go?

"Go see your girl!" Yao Lei said, "You came to Xizha, didn't you go to see her? What if she is angry?"

"I..." Sheng Yiting didn't mean that, but didn't want to continue discussing this topic, so she had to say, "Well, I'll go see her. Then you--"

"I have them with me." Yao Lei pointed to the others in the room. There were many people around him when he came out this time.

Sheng Yiting nodded, picked up his jacket and left.

After going downstairs, Sheng Yiting stood in front of the window of the reception hall for a while, then turned around and asked the lobby manager to arrange a car for him.

An hour later, the car stopped at the entrance of the alley outside Tong Siyao's house.

The driver glanced at him in the mirror. He looked out the window without intending to go down.

The pedestrians outside come and go, but there is no Tong Siyao.

Not knowing how long he waited, he thought painfully: What are you here for? She didn't want him.

He said irritably to the driver: "Back to the hotel!"

The driver started the car, turned around and drove back.

After not driving far, Sheng Yiting saw a bicycle approaching.

The biker was a young woman wearing a red down jacket, a scarf, gloves, and a muzzle, and could not see her face clearly.

But the scarf and gloves were exactly the same as the ones he gave to Tong Siyao last year.

He stared at her, the bicycle whizzed past his eyes, and he saw the person sitting in the back seat, Tong Silu.

It really is her!

Sheng Yiting turned around and stared at her.

She stopped suddenly and turned to look over.

Sheng Yiting was taken aback, and suddenly wanted to ask the driver to stop, she rode away again.

He closed his eyes in disappointment, turned around, and ran away from her.

On the bicycle, Tong Silu asked curiously: "Sister, what are you looking at?"

"Nothing..." Tong Siyao whispered, pedaling the bicycle hard.

Is it him?

This place rarely sees such a good car.

What is he doing? Looking for her?

It's okay to leave like this, they really shouldn't meet again, she still wants to survive. (To be continued~^~)

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