Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1400: My goddess, the style of painting is different

After the opening ceremony, the crew began filming.

There are few scenes filmed today, which are rival scenes among the protagonists.

When filming here, the rest of the actors took makeup photos in the studio.

Although Xin Rong has few appearances, he has many styles. Other actors' daily plots can wear private clothes, her role setting is too special, private clothes are not useful... Actually Judy's private clothes can be used, but it is too scary to take out!

Xin Rong's first set of looks is an indifferent killer, and his second set of looks is a **** celebrity. There was originally a third set of looks, which was an innocent girl from school days, but the costumes were not ready, so I couldn't take pictures temporarily.

She has a set of models and an expression, as if she came out of the original novel.

The look in her eyes is so sensible that the photographer can't stop taking pictures. But the performance was too perfect, and the filming was finished in a while, which left the photographer's intent.

After filming the second set, she walked out of the studio wearing a low-cut long skirt and saw Simon standing outside enjoying the scenery.

Heh... follow me!

Xin Rong style walked over, the long skirt split to the thigh, every step he took, a slender leg was perfectly exposed, and the blood spurted.

"Hi~" She walked behind Simon and blew a breath.

Simon was shocked, looked back at her, suddenly felt dizzy, and hurriedly smiled and concealed: "Hehe...you are so beautiful."

Xin Rong raised his hand and brushed the long wavy hair on his shoulders, and looked at him charmingly, "Really?"

"Yeah..." Simon looked at her blankly, his heart itchy and astringent.

Selfishly, he didn't want her to be like this. They are not familiar, how could she be so enthusiastic to him? Wait until you are familiar with it. It’s good to do this to him quietly at home...

Simon twisted his eyebrows: Forget it! Isn't that the case with women? Since you like her passion like fire, don't expect her to be pure as snow.

Can’t talk about heart, but also about sex~

Simon sighed and leaned against the wall and asked: "The crew will invite everyone to dinner later, are you going?"

Xin Rong glanced at him suspiciously. It is said that women's hearts are needles in the sea, why men are good at changing faces? What happened to this bear kid? Suddenly I was depressed.

She cast a wink at him and smiled playfully: "Are you going? You go, I'll go."

Simon's heart is bleeding: Goddess...what's wrong with you? How can you make such an expression to people casually!

He muffled: "Go."

"See you then~" Xin Rong waved and went to change clothes.

After the crew ended, a group of people went to the largest seafood restaurant in Beijing.

Simon, as a new investor, was regarded as a guest, sitting next to Zeng Shuai.

For such a meal, everyone tacitly wants to arrange someone to accompany the big man.

But that was when Zeng Shuai was not present!

Zeng Shuai is a freak. He doesn't play with women himself, and he is disgusted when he sees others playing.

So this meal, everyone ate quietly and happily.

Zeng Shuai has been peeling shrimps and crabs for Tian Cheng, while Simon bit his chopsticks beside him, peeking at Xin Rong from time to time.

Xin Rong seldom eats Chinese delicacies in the past, and the food has not been very good recently. Now that he finds that the dishes on the table taste good, he eats them open.

The actors around were shocked by her.

They are actors, their body is very important, who dares to eat like this? It's all pretending.

Simon thought intoxicated: My goddess, the style of painting is different! Too real! Look at the people next to you, you know how to pretend! People take food as their heaven, so how can anyone not eat? Those who pretend to be gentle are all fake! hypocritical! (To be continued~^~)

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