Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1402: He don't want to wear this

He likes her, isn't the ultimate goal to sleep with her? Now it's all effortless, so why are you unhappy again?

He suddenly didn't know what kind of woman he wanted, so he stepped on the accelerator like crazy.

Xin Rong raised an eyebrow: Someone is upset?

After a while, Simon suddenly remembered something, lowered her speed, and found her face unchanged, and was relieved again.

Maybe she only likes and dislikes in her heart, why should he bother if he doesn't take some things seriously?

At least this courage, he likes it.

He asked: "Go to the hotel?"

"Didn't you go to my house?" she asked back.

He thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

He has never been to a woman's house for an overnight stay, he always brings people to his own territory.

Only in this way can you have 100% control in your own territory.

To her house? Before he started, he felt like she was in control.


Xin Rong opened the door and walked into the house, gave way to Simon, then picked up the slippers on the shoe rack and started to change shoes.

Simon looked at the room, and the first reaction was: small...so small, I can’t even exercise if I want to. Looking at that sofa, there is no way to do anything on it!

Xin Rong glanced at the shoes on the shoe rack and found that there was no one for him to wear, and gave him a pair of pink fur slippers with a smirk.

A pair of rabbit heads stood on the slippers, and the rabbit ears shook softly.

Simon has a black line, so he shouldn't wear this! He is not a woman!

He asked: "Nothing else?"

"I have no man here." Xin Rong looked innocent.

This strangely pleased Simon's awkward vanity. He coughed and asked cheerfully, "What about sandals and slippers? I'm not afraid of cold, so I don't need to wear thick ones."

Xin Rong took out a pair of pink sandals and slippers from under the shoe rack.

Simon: "..."

"What about this?" Xin Rong knew he didn't like it, and pulled out another pair in the middle of the shoe rack.

This pair is blue, but it has a polka dot bow.

Simon added: "I can't tell, you are in this style?"

Xin Rong paused, put down his shoes and turned away.

She is not in this style! This style is the original Xin Rong's!

Simon saw her entering the bedroom and asked loudly, "Can I wear my own shoes?"

"No, yes, yes!"

Simon took off his shoes and socks decisively and went into the living room barefoot-this was his real goal.

Xin Rong came out of the bedroom and asked with a smile, "What would you like to drink?"

"Uh...whatever." Simon thought she was hiding in her smile.

Wouldn't you want to drug him in the drink so that he might be kidnapped?

Oh~ naive!

Don't look at who he is. If there is anything in the drink, he can easily smell it!

Xin Rong smiled and went to the kitchen, took out a clean glass, and took a glass of white water to him from the drinking fountain.

He: "..." Is this your way of hospitality?

Xin Rong stood opposite him, bent down and smiled, "I'll take a shower first~"


Xin Rong turned around and walked into the bathroom.

Simon began to think about things, and his blood gradually boiled. He felt hot and took the water and drank it.

After drinking, he began to look at the house.

Hearing the sound of water coming from the bathroom, he quietly got up, looked over all the rooms, and concluded that the entire house does not exceed fifty square meters.

No wonder he can only ask him to drink boiled water, it must be because he is too poor!

There was a flash of inspiration in Simon's mind, and he finally knew why she had brought herself to the house. (To be continued~^~)

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