Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1416: Don't do this, i'm not used to it

How many big winds and waves she has seen, how can she fight for these intrigues? What a loss!

Lexie paused, hesitated for a while and didn't know what to say, and sighed: "Do you have any plans, tell me in advance, don't say hello."


Xin Rong hung up, the steaks in front of him were already piled up.

She looked at Simon: "Just know to cut it for me, won't you eat it?"

Simon hummed, "I just remind you, don't lose your mind when eating with me!"

Xin Rong crossed the ox into his mouth, looking at him deeply.

He was a little uncomfortable and asked: "Will you not act in the future?"

It sounds like her ambitions are not here. He actually said that the entertainment industry is a gadget, no wonder he doesn't flatter him as a gold master!

"You raise me, what do I still play?" Xin Rong looked at him aggrievedly, with a coquettish tone, "Do you know how tired acting is? I don't have an assistant now, and I have to do everything by myself. Sister Qian wants to handle it. The next new person sent me as an assistant also meant to let the other person exercise. As a result, that person actually didn't appreciate it. How wrong was I?"

Simon Khan: "Don't do this, I'm not used to it."

"Huh? What happened to me?" Xin Rong was even more aggrieved.

Simon hurriedly said: "It's not you, you'd better be fierce."

Xin Rong was furious, gave him a stern look, and said sharply, "Are you not used to being gentle to you? Are you shaking M?"

Simon exhaled, "Yes, that's right, this is you."

"Right? It's right to say you shake M?"

Simon Khan: "That's not what I meant. I mean...Forget it, I will arrange an assistant for you tomorrow."

Xin Rong was full of grievances again, and started to make trouble unreasonably: "What do you mean, forget it? You don't want to talk to me, are you? You dislike me?"

Simon couldn't stand it anymore: "Is your next role this type?"

Xin Rong was choked with saliva, rolled his eyes, and stopped fighting with him.

After dinner, Simon wanted to take her to the hotel for the night.

Xin Rong has no comments.

It’s a long night and I don’t want to sleep, just find something to do.


When the car stopped outside Huanmo Building, Xin Rong asked in surprise, "Don't you go to the hotel? Why do you come to our company?"

Simon said contemptuously, "Don't you know that there is a hotel above?"

Xin Rong was angry: "Did you deliberately? What if someone sees it?"

Simon was taken aback, and then he realized.

There is a special place in Huanmo Building, not only the artists of Stellar Entertainment, but also the reporters of Aimo Media!

There are entertainment magazines under Aimo Media, and a large group of paparazzi go in and out of the building.

Moreover, the hotel’s elevator is separate. If Xin Rong wants to enter the company from the hotel, he has to go to the lobby to take the elevator first.

What if a reporter saw her coming out of the hotel elevator, wouldn't it be broken?

It's okay to be seen by the reporter, Simon can ask Gong Mo to help and suppress the news.

But if she is seen by an artist, they might try to punish her in secret.

He said awkwardly, "Then... or go to your house?"

Xin Rong smiled coldly: "Go back to each house and find each mother."

Sleeping and sleeping, beautiful him!

Seeing that there was a taxi ahead, Xin Rong pushed the door down, bowed his head and said to him, "I'll take a taxi back, good night."

Simon hurriedly got out of the car: "Even if you want to go back, I will take you back!"

"I finally sent you back, and you saw me again? It's not over yet?" Xin Rong gave him a white look and got into the taxi. (To be continued~^~)

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