Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1431: The queen is right

The director wanted to use her as a publicity for a long time, so as to slap those netizens in the face!

Hmph, who told you to scold me for not having a vision, and slander my unspoken female stars, I will let you see how good I am!

It's just that he has been pressed by "Mystery City" before, he is aggrieved!

So today, he took advantage of the hot shots to release the posters and makeup photos!

On the promotional posters, the main characters are all present.

Hong Tan, played by Xin Rong, stood sideways on the right side of the actor, raised his eyebrows and looked at the sky, seeming to be dismissive of the things under him.

She has red hair and a black robe, and the hem of her skirt and the floor are also bright red, as if stepping on a burning flame.

This is her real body.

After she left the Deadwater Realm, she saw that everyone else was black, and she changed to black and put on a red robe.

There are too many people in the publicity photos, and she only occupies less than one-tenth of the position. Everyone can't appreciate her beauty very well.

As for the makeup photo, after everyone watched it, they shouted and shouted: "Close, close!" Licking!

There are a total of two makeup photos of her, one is in the same real state as in the promotional photos, standing underwater, quietly closing her eyes, the corners of her lips hanging stiffly, red hair and robes scattered around, look It looks a little scary.

But for gamers, it is very kind.

The BOSS of Hongtan is asleep in the game. If you want to hit her, you have to attack first, or she will stay asleep.

So when the game player arrives at her lair, they will first take a photo with her next to her. Just be careful, they won't wake her. Sleeping this dead-water Hongtan princess in various positions is the hobby of every game player!

In the second picture, she sits on the blue seabed with empty eyes and cold expression. Underneath is a huge shell throne. She holds a scepter in her left hand and presses a gorgeous box on the gem table with her right hand.

"Oh -" the netizens were excited, "I licked this face! Act it well! Don't let everyone down!"

Xin Rong also reposted Weibo. When reposting the promotional photo, she didn’t say anything. When she reposted it to her own makeup photo, she asked, “Didn’t I have nothing when I took the photo? It seems that our crew’s special effects are worth five yuan! "

Second fire forward: The queen is right!

Xin Rong smiled and gave his comment a thumbs up.

"Oh~" Simon, who was assistant to Xin Rong in the crew, was excited.

Xin Rong looked at it amused, with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

Simon was so depressed: I would never have seen the world like this before! That's all because I like you! I like you know or not, stupid woman!

The queen said: I have seen it a long time ago, second item!


"Bailing" was filmed here for a month. Because of the change of venue, Xin Rong took a temporary rest for a week, and went to audition for a female second.

The female number two's character is not domineering, she is a particularly sensible type, cold-faced Tucao emperor, belongs to the kind of person who is calm on the surface and full of bullets in the heart.

Leishi didn't want her to play the domineering type all the time, so she chose this specifically for her.

When Xin Rong saw it, he suddenly wanted to play White Lotus, which must be very cool. Green tea **** is okay, it must feel good to be a bad woman.

She said to Leishi, "You will give me more roles with different personalities in the future, good or bad."

She succeeded in taking the female number two in front of her, and she immediately went to the crew of "Mystery City".

She is not the protagonist in "Mystery City", and the scenes are not concentrated. This time I will shoot a few scenes, and after half a month, I will go to shoot a few more scenes. It may take four or five runs to complete the shot. (To be continued~^~)

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