Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1434: Is she your ex-girlfriend?

"I won't like it anymore, don't you mention it?" She whispered.

"Fine..." Simon nodded, "When Xin Rong finishes work, shall we go to lunch together?"

"I have an appointment, so I won't bother you."

Simon choked and suddenly didn't know what to say, so he stopped talking and turned to watch Xin Rong filming.

This studio is very large, divided into several scenes, and the scene where Xin Rong is filming now happens to be opposite to that of Yu Lin.

Yu Lin was also the one who played against her.

Yu Lin originally planned to crush Xin Rong in acting and give Xin Rong some color.

Now that she has a good relationship with Yu Xinya, she naturally dare not make Zinzi target her, nor dare to suppress her in acting.

She deliberately let Xin Rong be a little bit, but Xin Rong refused to let her.

Rose, played by Xin Rong, is a strong character. Xin Rong expresses this kind of strength well, and Yu Lin is immediately suppressed to the point where he cannot fight back.

Yu Lin was horrified, and she didn't expect Xin Rong to have such good acting skills.

She was excited!

She thought she had the best acting skills among the younger generation of flowers in the film and television industry!

But in front of her, Xin Rong gave her a great sense of crisis!

She was about to show her true ability to fight back, the director called out a card, and asked angrily: "Yu Lin, what's the matter with you today? Why are you always in a state?"

"I'm sorry." Yu Lin is also considered a small coffee in the circle, being accused by them, it is like being slapped, her face is hot. She glanced at Xin Rong, "I'm afraid Xin Rong can't grasp this role, so I deliberately let her be a little bit. Who knows... I underestimated her."

Xin Rong raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

She smiled: "Let's go on."

"Please give me some advice," Xin Rong said.

Next, Yu Lin used her real ability, and Xin Rong was able to do what she did.

The performance of the scene was full of sparks, and the director was finally satisfied: "Not bad, good... Keep it up!"

He looked at his watch: "OK, rest, eat and continue!"

Yu Xinya took a look and stood up from her chair: "Then I'll go to eat first, and come back in the afternoon."

Simon nodded and asked, "Do you want me to send you out?"

"No need." Yu Xinya smiled, "I have been here for a month, and I know much better than you."

She took her coat and bag and walked to the door. Simon looked at her back and was suddenly surprised: Damn it! Isn't she the one she likes? !

This guess was terrible to think of, but it was a bit reasonable, and Simon was really frightened.

How could it happen? Didn’t the two of them make a mistake?

While struggling, he was slapped on his back. Turning around, Xin Rong put his chin on his shoulder and looked at Yu Xinya who was walking away, "Is she your ex-girlfriend?"

Simon just guessed that Yu Xinya likes herself. When asked by her, her heart beat and her conscience was so guilty that she exclaimed excitedly: "No!"

Xin Rong stood up straight and hummed: "If you don't have it, you won't? What are you doing so nervously?"

Simon wipes sweat: "She and I are friends~"

Xin Rong nodded: "I believe you."

If there is anything, I guess it won't happen to her.

Hey, what a silly woman, who likes but doesn't confess, it makes herself cheaper.

However, Yu Xinya has a noble status and proud heart. Even if she robbed her sweetheart, she would definitely not bother to deal with herself.

Xin Rong sighed and suddenly felt that Yu Xinya was so pitiful. If you like women, you will definitely spoil her! (To be continued~^~)

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