Simon heard this, raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: "Our Gambino family has several estates in Italy, and the worst are better than this!"

Xin Rong glanced at him sternly and ordered fiercely, "Take me to ride a horse!"

After arriving at the racecourse, Simon first took Xin Rong to pick up the horse.

He thought that Xin Rong could not ride, so he explained carefully in front: "You can ride a gentle little mare now. This horse is called Mary, she..."

Ta ta ta...

The sound of horseshoes came from behind.

Simon turned his head to look, and was shocked: "Xin Rong!"

How did she ride away the strongest horse?

"Stop it!" Simon shouted.

Xin Rong raised his whip, turned his head and shouted, "Compare with me if you have the ability!"

Simon is stunned, can she ride?

He immediately moved a horse to chase him, and saw her high heels stepping in the stirrups, making him furious.

"You don't change your clothes!" he shouted.

Xin Rong stopped, turned his horse's head and said, "I haven't been riding a horse for a long time. I'm so excited, I forgot."

"How can you ride?" he asked suspiciously.

Xin Rong touched the horse's mane under her body: "I learned it when I was a kid, I'm a master!"

"Go change clothes, let's take your time."

"OK~" Xin Rong nodded and followed him to the locker room next to him to change into his riding outfit.

When she came out, the horse she had just picked was gone.

Simon said, "That's my brother-in-law's horse. You can see it right away. You have a good vision!"

Xin Rong smiled: "Thank you~"

Simon was choked, angrily: "You are very courageous! Since you can ride a horse, don't you see how fierce the horse is?"

"It didn't do anything to me?" She has always been riding the strongest horse, but she doesn't want it~

Simon was taken aback. Yes, how did that horse become a little sheep today? He has known it for so many years, and it takes a jet to touch it, so Xin Rong actually rides it!

Roar! Color horse! There are no principles when you see beautiful women!

He said fiercely to Xin Rong, "You are lucky! That horse caught a cold today!"

Xin Rong smiled, took the horse in his hand, rolled over and rode up, pulled his whip and ran forward.

Simon shouted: "You forgot about me again!"

Seeing her running away, he turned around helplessly to lead other horses.

The afternoon sun was so fierce that Xin Rong was sweating profusely after running.

Simon caught up: "Is it hot? Don't get heatstroke. Or let's rest for a while, and then the sun will come again."

"No, I feel comfortable." Xin Rong said, "Go, let's go together and see who gets to the end first!"

Simon sighed helplessly: "Let's go... Give your life to accompany--my dear."

I want to say that I lay down my life with my wife for fear of embarrassment.

Xin Rong smiled: "You make me cool now, and I make you cool tonight."

"Cough—" Simon choked, and said grievingly, "You say that, I'm ready to move now."

Xin Rong patted the horse under him: "It's more eager than you, GO!"

With a wave of the whip, the two horses rushed out at the same time.

Halfway through the race, two horses ran ahead.

Simon had already passed Xin Rong and stopped slowly.

When Xin Rong saw him, he had to stop.

Sheng Nanxuan and Zeng Shuai who came in front, Sheng Nanxuan raised his eyebrows in surprise: "It's you."

"Haha..." Simon smiled dryly and looked at the horse under him, hoping he didn't know that Xin Rong had just rode it.

Sheng Nanxuan looked at Xin Rong: "You are good at horsemanship, where did you learn it?"

Xin Rong had a meal: "When I was young."

The original owner did ride a horse and a camel when he was young. But technology... of course there is no. After leaving the border town, I never touched it again. (To be continued~^~)

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