On November 11th, country M sent troops to Emilia, and Emilia fought again...

Xin Rong had picked up the new play, but suddenly received a call-Cindy's condition worsened.

She guessed that it was the fact that country M entered Emilia that stimulated Cindy, and she hurriedly packed her things and went to Siza City.

Filming of the new movie has started, and she can only pay liquidated damages. Although her money is not enough, Simon is there.

Simon arranged for someone to cooperate with Rethy to solve the problem, and she went to the airport with Simon.

Arrived at the hospital, it was almost evening.

The doctor said: "She suddenly coughed up a lot of blood, and the time left will not be too long. At any time... you have to be prepared."

Xin Rong nodded and walked into the ward.

Cindy was lying on the bed, pale, wearing a gray stocking cap.

Hearing the footsteps, she opened her eyes with excitement.

"Mom—" Xin Rong ran over.

Cindy wanted to sit up, and Xin Rong hurriedly helped her adjust the bed.

She grabbed Xin Rong's hand and stared at Xin Rong's eyes firmly: "If there is a chance, take my ashes to Emilia and throw them anywhere, but you must go there!"

"I know." Xin Rong hurriedly agreed, and persuaded, "Mom, don't get excited, take care of your body. In the future, I will bring you to Emilia alive. Don't think about ashes."

Cindy shook her head and cried sadly: "The war has started again... there is no time to stop."

And she has never done anything for Emilia.

Xin Rong opened his mouth, not knowing how to persuade her.

Simon poked her shoulder, she turned her head and saw him handing over a tissue.

She took the tissue, wiped Cindy's tears, looked at Simon and said, "This is my boyfriend Simon."

Cindy looked over and frowned slightly.

How is it a foreigner? It still looks mixed.

How many Emilia bloodlines will be left in her offspring after all these things go around?

Cindy sighed again thinking of this.

What does it matter how many bloodlines there are? There is a trace of Emilia's ancestry as well. And in the future it will be a new government, and nothing will happen to the royal family.

Xin Rong twisted the towel and wiped Cindy's face, and said in a small talk, "I went to Sister Simon's house not long ago, and his sister said he knew you."

"What?" Cindy was surprised.

"Because I look like a singer from many years ago, and that person's name is Xinni. They asked me if my mother's name is Xinni, I said no, your name is Cindy. They said that Cindy is Xinni's real name ......Is that so?" Xin Rong looked at her with burning eyes.

Cindy took a breath and hurriedly asked her, "Who are they?"

"Gong Mo, Tian Cheng, Tang Xinxin..." Xin Rong announced the names one by one.

Cindy was suddenly uncomfortable, covering his face and choking: "I'm sorry for the person who missed me..."

Xin Rong looked at her, paused and said, "It's okay, everyone has their own lives."

Cindy looked up suddenly: "You turn on your phone and record me a video."

Xin Rong was puzzled, but still took out his mobile phone.

She got up and left the bed, Simon said, "I'm coming. You stay with Auntie."

Xin Rong nodded and continued to sit on the bed.

Cindy sat upright and asked Simon, "Are you ready?"

Simon nodded.

Cindy cleared her throat and began to sing: "AMANI——"

The hoarse singing sounded, which made people uncomfortable at first, but gradually realized that the sound was good.

Xin Rong looked for her previous records to listen to, and the voice was clear and ethereal, like a natural sound, very beautiful.

At this moment, this hoarse singing voice is very charming and has a **** atmosphere. But what she sang is not a **** song, but a taste of vicissitudes of life. (To be continued~^~)

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