I will bring Cindy's ashes back to Emilia in the future. Although I haven't thought about how to do it, I can't go wrong with hard work.

Sadness and decadence will only waste lives and get further and further away from the goal.

So the next day, Xin Rong went to the company vigorously.

Recently, because of Cindy's death, she became popular on the Internet again and attracted everyone's attention when she joined the company.

To everyone's surprise, she just died, her mother was not at all sad, and she walked with wind!

Some people think: It must be hype! It's shameless to use my mother to make a hype!

Xin Rong walked into Leishi's office, Leishi jumped up: "Are you back? When did you come back?"

"Yesterday." Xin Rong closed the door.

"Then why don't you rest?"

"The storage fee for ashes is expensive."

Leishi: "..."

Xin Rong looked at her pitifully: "Do you have a job?"

"Cough!" Leishi said hurriedly, "don't do this expression, I'm not used to it, it's better to pull it."

Xin Rong wrinkled his nose and hummed, "Are you shaking M?"

Leishi glanced at her, not joking with her. She has lost a loved one now, which is inappropriate.

"There is work. Many people have asked you to do interviews. Do you want to take care of your mother?" she asked.

Xin Rong hurriedly shook his head, knowing these people’s plans, he could imagine what questions would be asked, and he didn’t want to go to the camera to sell him miserably.

"Are there any appointments?"

Rethy looked at her: "The director of "Rouge" asked you when you are free."

Xin Rong's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly, "Have you chosen me?"

"Yeah." Lexie smiled, half of it felt inappropriate, and then put her smile away, "but the filming has been delayed for more than a month, and work has to be done during the New Year.

"Hurry up to work, can you let go of this opportunity?"

The next day, Xin Rong went to the crew of "Rouge" to report.

"Mystery City Mystery Collection" has been broadcast, and the ratings have been rising all the way, with rave reviews. Although she has not yet appeared on the stage, the company has anticipated that she will become popular and upgraded her treatment in advance and arranged for her an assistant.

After arriving at the crew, the crew arranged another for her.

Simon finally didn't have to run before and after, and stuck to her wholeheartedly.

She asked disgustingly: "Are you a big man with nothing to do?"

Simon choked, and said depressed: "My business now is to accompany you! If there is anything, I can solve it by phone."

Xin Rong looked at him and smiled: "I know you are great, unlike others."

"That's~" Simon's tail suddenly rose to the sky.

Within two days, there was a revelation about Xin Rong on the Internet, saying that when she returned to the company a few days ago, she did not see sorrow, but looked very bright. It can be seen that she did not suffer from the pain of bereavement, and Xin Ni’s death was a frenzy. Hype!

Xin Rong was angry from his heart, and Simon hurriedly comforted: "Don't be angry! Leave it to me! Watch me take off his vest!"

Xin Rong was still going to film, gritted his teeth and said, "You hold on first and wait for me to check!"

"Huh?" Simon was dazed, checking?

It seems that the queen is really angry and must be taken seriously!

He hurriedly informed his hand to check the IP. When Xin Rong finished his work, he had already achieved a lot of results.

"Go back to the hotel first, it's too cold here, when we go back, we will slowly clean up these bastards!"

"Have you found the master behind the scenes?" Xin Rong frowned unhappily.

"Uh...maybe your colleague Chen Mei."

"Heh—" Xin Rong sneered.

The two of them went to eat first and talked about things while boiling the hot pot. (To be continued~^~)

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