Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1459: Are Lu Duo's parents

Tong Siyao chats with refugees in their tents to collect some information.

The doctors outside were camping. Many refugees suffering from illnesses lined up in the past. Several doctors set up a table at random and began to see a doctor in the open.

Tong Siyao hurriedly put away the paper and pen and went out with the camera.

She took some pictures and went to help the doctor sort out the medicine. A blond man asked in English: "Aren't you from here?"

Tong Siyao nodded and talked to him in English.

"Are you the October?" he asked.

Tong Siyao paused and nodded: "You guessed it."

"This name is definitely not true, why is it called this? Because of that?"

Tong Siyao knew he was referring to the terrorist attack on country M on October 10 last year. She shook her head: "My son was born in October."

And it happened to be October 10th. It took her two days to learn that such an international event had happened.

"Mike, I need your help over there." A female voice came.

Mike hurriedly said to Tong Siyao: "Thank you, I'll go there first."

Tong Siyao turned her head and saw a woman with black hair and dark eyes. She nodded gently, and the other party responded kindly, and then went to work.

It took two hours before everyone stopped.

Tong Siyao was about to return to the refugee camp, and the woman just walked over, "Are you Chinese or..."

"Chinese." Tong Siyao smiled.

The woman smiled and said, "I am also a Chinese, call me Helen. They call me that, so it’s easier to remember."

Tong Siyao nodded: "You call me Yaoyao."

"Okay." Helen handed her a bottle of water. "You just worked so hard. We don't have enough manpower here."

Tong Siyao hurriedly declined: "Don't waste it, keep it, just boil the water and drink it as soon as it's okay."

Helen listened and did not continue to give her. In this place, all resources must be saved, not to mention precious water.

"Sit over there." Helen pointed to the side.

Tong Siyao naturally agreed that she still wanted to interview these people, so it would be nice to cultivate a little feeling first.

After sitting down, Helen asked, "How long have you been here?"

"Three months."

"What do you usually do? Are you busy?"

Tong Siyao shook his head: "I want to be too busy, sometimes very desperate, I can only watch something happen. For example...death. The dying person is waiting to die, the undead person watching him die."

Helen was accustomed to life and death, but she didn't touch anything, she just sighed slightly: "Sometimes our doctors can't do anything. The first time I encountered this kind of thing, I felt that I was very useless. . Now that I know, I can’t save the world. Even if I save the one in front of me, there are more places I can’t see.”

Tong Siyao did not speak. She knew the truth, but couldn't be so calm. In many cases, it is uncomfortable. The only thing she can insist on is not to mix up these feelings when reporting, and to adopt the most objective attitude and keep the integrity of a journalist.

"Helen." A Chinese dialect came.

Tong Siyao turned around and saw a middle-aged man approaching. Looks like a Chinese, somewhat familiar.

Tong Siyao thought for a while, was surprised, and then looked back at Helen-it was Lu Duo's parents, she had seen it on Lu Duo's encyclopedia.

"My husband," Helen said, "surnamed Lu."

Tong Siyao stood up uncomfortably and shook hands with Lu Yang: "Hello, Mr. Lu." (To be continued~^~)

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