Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1467: What can I do with your baby?

Tong Siyao's film reviews did not have a big impact on the box office, but to a large extent curbed all parties' abuse of "Rouge".

Anti-war activists all over the world are learning about Emilia's situation through October's reports. Although "he" is only a small reporter, he is also a big hero.

Some people have taken "he" to a high position, and no one can tolerate rebuttal and profanity.

Moreover, people in China have always believed in the foreign ones, and they would subconsciously be convinced by the opinions expressed by a well-known person. And because of October's identity, I dare not refute it.

I posted an update just before October, saying that I would go home to see the children, accompany the elderly, organize information, and go to Emilia next year!

Such a great person, a group of people in the entertainment circle who are so embarrassed to pinch it? Are you not afraid of others' supporters strangling yourself?

Therefore, Mu Xia took "Jiang Hu" as quiet as a chicken.

In the end, the film was released, and the box office of "Rouge" was 200 million more than "Jiang Hu".


To avoid Yao Lan from doubting her job, Tong Siyao dare not stay at home all the time. But where do you go next?

Going to the capital is really unsafe, don't consider it!

Do some interviews locally to lay the foundation for being an independent journalist in the future?


She interviewed herself, and she would definitely provoke resistance from her peers. And half of the domestic media industry is in Yu's family and half in Sheng's family. Maybe they will find out soon, isn't that self-investing?

The same applies to other cities in the country.

She knew that there was a refugee camp set up by China in Shantagama. She wanted to go there to do some interviews, but she thought about Shengjia...

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. It is impossible to hide it for a lifetime abroad, let alone at home? It is better to be careful.

In this way, you can only go abroad if you do not move. Then you can only go to Emilia when you go abroad, or else go to other places to waste time?

But she couldn't bear Tong Annian, how long did she come back? Haven't seen enough yet!

But she told Yao Lan that she was on vacation for a month, and now it's a month...

I said to see Ye Zi...

Ye Zi really had nothing to do. The last time I went to Beijing, I ran into Sheng Nanxuan and Lu Duo a while later. Maybe this time I went to meet Sheng Yiting!

After thinking about it, Tong Siyao decided to go to Country M and check the newspaper that he cooperated with.

But in terms of her rhetoric to Yao Lan, she said she was going to work in Beijing.

This month, she and Tong Annian have become familiar with each other. Tong Annian kept yelling "mother" and "mother" all day long, which moved her. Unexpectedly, if he didn't care about him for so long, he would care about himself.

If she changed herself, whoever ignored her, she would have died...

Tong Siyao: Could it be Sheng Yiting's inheritance?

Thinking about it this way, she was shocked and did not dare to continue thinking.

After she booked the ticket, she looked at Yao Lan pitifully all day.

Yao Lan reluctantly said: "Oh, yes... take it away!"

Tong Siyao hugged her happily: "Thank you mom!"

"Your baby, what can I do?" Yao Lan sullenly, remembering a song in his heart: You wanted to be separated at the beginning, and then separated...

Tong Siyao said: "I will bring him back early during the Chinese New Year. I will go out next year, and I can only trouble you then..."

When Yao Lan heard this, he twisted his eyebrows and asked, "Why are you still going out?"

"No way, it's all work..." Tong Siyao whispered with a guilty conscience, "but I should be able to apply for a longer vacation next year. As long as I have time, I will stay with you and Annian at home!" (to be continued~^~ )

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