Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1471: Double nominations

Filmmakers all over the world are proud of winning the Golden Movie Awards.

The Golden Shadow Award trophy is shaped like a spirally curved film film, with a convenient base underneath. The entire trophy is golden, and the year and name of the award are engraved on the "film".

Before the award ceremony was officially held, the organizing committee announced the nomination list.

The films that can be selected are first of all excellent in artistic quality. However, most of the movies that can really win prizes are elegant and popular, and the box office is not weak. If the box office fails miserably, even if it is nominated, it will be difficult to win the final prize.

Both "Rouge" and "Jianghu" were the hottest spots in this awards ceremony. "Rouge" received eleven nominations and "Jianghu" received nine.

The two movies have their own advantages. Although Lu Jia won Mu Xia at the box office this time, Jiang Hu's box office results are also very good.

These two plays can be described as the king sees the king!

Both dramas were nominated for two heavyweight awards for Best Picture and Best Director.

Many people are guessing, who will fall in the end?

Could the two of them fight fiercely, and finally get an upset?

As for the actors, the most striking is Xin Rong!

Because she was acting in a movie for the first time, she actually won two nominations-Best Newcomer Award and Best Actress.

Xin Rong is satisfied with the vision of the organizing committee. She usually walks with wind... Well, she walks with wind all the time. Queen, is so confident!

When Yu Lin heard the news, she was completely confused.

How could Xin Rong be nominated for Best Actress?

There are five nominations for the Best Newcomer Award this time, three men, two women, and the women are naturally she and Xin Rong!

However, Xin Rong was nominated for Best Actress, but he didn't. Doesn't it mean that Xin Rong's acting skills are better than him?

In other words, this best newcomer award, I must have no share, either Xin Rong's, or among the three men!

Yu Lin was mad!

She spent a lot of thought in acting "Jiang Hu", just to get this best newcomer award and pave the way for her stardom. As a result, Ji Shengyu and He Shengliang made her meet Xin Rong!


Since the nomination, reporters have been like crazy, blocking people for interviews everywhere. Of course it’s good to block the nomination. Even if you can’t block it, it’s okay to block the nomination. Just ask: What do you think of this nomination? Are you confident of winning? Who do you think is capable of receiving this award?

Anyway, watching the excitement is not too big a problem!

The stars would avoid them for unnecessary trouble. Because once the answer is inappropriate, it will offend people.

However, on the day of the awards ceremony, I couldn't hide it.


In the hotel, Xin Rong was about to leave for the award ceremony.

She wore a long crimson dress with high temples, like a queen watching the world.

Generally, young girls will look very unassuming when they wear this color and style. In layman's terms-the clothes are too old!

However, this is just a word of comfort. There is nothing wrong with the clothes. In the final analysis, my temperament and aura are not good enough to bring out the clothes.

However, there is no such problem with Xin Rong!

She wore this dress, as if put on a shirt that belonged to her alone!

The clothes and her temperament are integrated, which sets off her nobleness. She also shows the beauty of the clothes. The two complement each other and complement each other!

Simon sat on the sofa and looked at her with his chin, his eyes were full of light. (To be continued~^~)

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