Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1487: Pay attention to their movements

King smiled faintly and raised his hand to unbutton his shirt.

Seeing his movements, the lion became more vigilant, and his whole body was ready to go.

The people outside the cage became nervous, and King's men took out the gun and loaded the bullet.

King's collar was not buttoned originally, he unbuttoned one, and pulled the collar away-only to see a few traces of lighter than skin color on his neck, which seemed to be scratches from animal claws .

He said to Fourteen: "You caught this, remember? You are quite loyal to protect the Lord, but your master... are you waiting for her? Don't wait, she will never come back."

"Roar—" The lion rushed angrily.

The people outside the cage raised their guns, and King shouted: "Stop!"

Everyone paused, hesitated, did not dare to shoot.

King sideways avoided Fourteen, Fourteen banged into the cage, and then fell to the ground for a long time and could not get up.

King raised his hand and saw that his sleeve was scratched by it. He couldn't help but smile: "It really is a lion!"

Fourteen turned his head, no longer interested in him. It slowly lay down on the ground, looking out of the cage, as if waiting for something.

King's heart felt uncomfortable and he turned and walked out of the cage.

A beast is a beast! It will never understand that the dead cannot wait for her to appear!

"Sir," the breeder told him, "We just received news that Miss Judy's friend is coming soon."

They accepted King's benefits with An Qi and others on their backs, and reported the current situation of Fourteen to him. This kind of thing must not be let An Qi group know!

Therefore, the two parties must not meet.

"I know." King was a little unhappy, and said to his opponent, "Leave some people here to pay attention to An Qi and their movements, and report to me at any time."

He really hoped that An Qi's group had no conscience and left Judy alone, then he could do something for her logically.


After Xin Rong got off the plane, he called Leishi. Leishi said with lingering fear: "Shan Yan just came to see you and almost smashed my office!" 000

After Xin Rong had a meal, he couldn't actually imagine Simon getting angry. She asked: "What about the other person?"

"Where do I know?"

Xin Rong comforted her, hung up the phone and said to An Qi and the others: "Let's go."

"Shan Yan is here?" An Qi asked.

"I don't know!" Xin Rong got on the off-road vehicle and asked suddenly, "Where is my whip?"

"Uh..." The five people had a meal and swallowed their saliva. Finally, An Qi whispered: "It's buried."

Xin Rong: "..."

"How about digging it out?" An Qi said, "That's a good whip!"

The iconic weapon of taking the post of King has always been with Judy. I don't know how many people's blood has been stained!

Xin Rong thought, if she digs it out, isn't she going to move her ashes?

She shivered inexplicably, and hurriedly said, "Forget it. Although the body is just a secondary body, it is my former body anyway, so don't bother."

An Qi nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes... The boss's body has saved us many times!"

"..." Can you stop talking? She didn't want to discuss this at all!


Xin Rong and the others walked to the iron cage of the fourteenth, the breeder opened the cage door and left.

Next to Fourteen, only six of them remained. I just don't know if Fourteen can recognize Xin Rong.

"Fourteen?" An Qi opened the door and walked in.

Fourteen looked back, got up slowly, and staggered over. (To be continued~^~)

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