Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1491: If you slow down, you'll like to be a father

"I'll buy it for you." King said softly.

Xin Rong sighed: "Is it interesting for you? Do you think I am the kind of person who takes the other person to death that day? Simon is just a long-term bed partner in my heart. If I am not happy one day, Just change to a little fresh meat that looks better than him!"

King paused and looked up at her: "Change one? Why don't you change me? I can also be your long-term bed partner. You have been kidnapped by me for so long, and he hasn't come to save you yet, so don't let such a man! "

Xin Rong exclaimed, "You figure it out! The point is not to change one, it's the little fresh meat! You look in the mirror, are you little fresh meat?!"

Judy was thirty-four years old when she died, and King was a few years older than her, just a piece of old bacon!

King suddenly looked at her with a complicated and unpredictable look, and he felt aggrieved. He resentfully said: "So you like Xiao Bailian!"

Simon's skin is indeed very fair, and he is also the type of noble son.

And King paid a lot for being a killer, even if he was whiter than Simon, he was already tanned! He had a cold face when he was young, and it had nothing to do with Xiao Xianrou.

Thinking of this, he felt so depressed.

After a long time, he is not Judy's food at all? !

He stared at Xin Rong viciously, and suddenly a voice came from outside, and he was furious: "What are you doing?!"

"BOSS!" someone shouted outside, "someone broke into the castle!"

King stared at Xin Rong under him, gritted his teeth and said, "Kill them all! Don't ask me!"

When he finished speaking, he kissed Xin Rong, and Xin Rong twisted the beginning, grabbing him with his hands above and kicking him with his feet below.

The two hit the ground from the bed, and if it was Judy, it must have the upper hand. It's a pity that Xin Rong's strength is much smaller than King, and he can only keep his innocence.

Xin Rong regrets that these two years have been a waste of life!

Although she has exercised in the past two years, because she doesn't have to fight and kill like before, she just wants to be better than ordinary people, and has never trained against "professional enemies."

If she knew she would face King, she would definitely experience another transformation from a killer to a mercenary!

Humph! When I go back today, she will put the mercenary course on the agenda.

Loss, just eat once!

There was a blood stain on King's face, and he angered: "Crazy woman! Don't think I am reluctant to hurt you!"

"Come on~" Xin Rong stood opposite him and waved at him provocatively.

Under her unbuttoned shirt, there is a perfect body, enough to make any man burst into blood.

But at this moment, who wants to see her bikini and waistline?

She was holding a broken goblet in her hand, which could kill anyone at any time!

King is okay and loves to drink small wine in the room, the cup was brought in by himself! He secretly made up his mind: Never again!

At this time, the door slammed open.

The two looked over warily and saw a group of people rushing in with guns.

The leader was taken aback and shouted outside: "Young Master! Here!"

The next second, Simon rushed in.

Xin Rong finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him, and pulled his clothes: "If you slow down, you'll like to be a father!"

Simon stared at him and shouted at the surroundings: "Close your eyes!"

A group of people immediately retreated, trying to block King's men outside.

Seeing that King hadn't closed his eyes yet-King was actually staring at him-he drew a dart from behind his waist and threw it over. It happened to be the boomerang Xin Rong had made for him. (To be continued.)

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