Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1511: I am the father of your child

Seeing her frowning brow, Sheng Yiting moved his fingers, trying to smooth her. But afraid that she would refuse, he paused, turned and opened the lunch box, and took out the steaming breakfast.

Tong Siyao smelled the aroma of the food, raised her chin and looked over, and swallowed secretly.

He asked: "There are crucian carp porridge and steamed custard, and cheese cake. What do you want to eat?"

"Hmm..." I want to eat it. Just listen to the name and you know it's delicious.

In recent years, she can only eat normal meals when she goes home. At other times in Emilia, thank God for not being hungry.

In other words, she hadn't eaten ordinary home-cooked meals for months, not to mention these delicate and delicious things in front of her.

Just cook the porridge with white rice and water, it's still crucian porridge! Crucian carp is first boiled into soup, and then the soup is used to make porridge. How troublesome.

Steamed egg custard is also troublesome. If the heat is not well controlled, the taste will be lost, not to mention that he added various ingredients.

And cheesecake...

In fact, these three foods are not complicated and very common, but for her life in recent years, they are luxuries in the diet.

Seeing her coveted eyes, Sheng Yiting couldn't help but feel softened and felt very distressed. He said helplessly, "Drink porridge first."

Tong Siyao hurriedly hummed, feeling a little disappointed.

She dare not eat too much now, but unfortunately there are so many good things...

Sheng Yiting took the spoon to scoop up the porridge and brought it to her mouth.

She said awkwardly: "I'll do it myself."

"It's okay." Sheng Yiting lowered his eyes, "I'll leave in the afternoon. I can only feed you this meal."

Tong Siyao was taken aback: "Where to go?"

"Nanjiang. Work over there."


"To participate in the presidential election next year, success or failure will be transferred back."

Tong Siyao glanced at him in surprise, nodded, grasping the quilt with her fingers at a loss.

She and him are people of two worlds after all.

He will be the president in the future. If this term is unsuccessful, it will be his turn sooner or later.

But what about her? She didn't think there was anything worthy of him.

I knew I wouldn't want a child. What can I do now? He will definitely not give up the child!

But should she give up?

That's impossible!

Do you want to be together for the children?

But the two have been separated for so long, can they go back to the past? And won't his family object?

If he really wants to be president, he should marry a wife who will help him, not her...

"I'll be back again after the weekend." Sheng Yiting said.

"It's okay." Tong Siyao said, "I can do it myself. Besides...you are not mine, don't take care of me."

Sheng Yiting moved for a while, put down the porridge, picked up the steamed egg and took a sip for her: "I have taken care of it. Wouldn't it be ungrateful to say this?"

Tong Siyao suffocated, and said helplessly: "I didn't mean that..."

"I know, you want to separate it from me." Sheng Yiting simply put the steamed egg into the porridge and mix well. "But I am the father of your child. Isn't that yours who called me?"

Tong Siyao paused, suddenly felt a little hard to swallow.

When he brought the porridge over again, she twisted her head slightly, looked at him and said, "About the child—"

"Not in a hurry now," Sheng Yiting said, "I will discuss it later."

"Good--" Tong Siyao breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid of affecting her eating mood, so he didn't speak any more.

She finished the whole bowl of porridge mixed with steamed custard, and ate a small portion of cheese cake. (To be continued.)

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