Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1514: I'm afraid you can't hold it

Sheng Yiting took a deep look at her and said helplessly, "Well then. I will be back in two days. If you need anything, call me and I can arrange it for you."

"……it is good."

He looked at her for a while and asked awkwardly: "Can you give me a hug?"

Tong Siyao looked at him thoughtfully: "Are you trying to kiss me?"

"Cough—" Sheng Yiting choked, his face dark red.

Tong Siyao suddenly felt unbearable, even if he really couldn't be together in the future, it would be a return to his heart to make him happy for a second now.

She pursed her lips and smiled softly: "It's not impossible to kiss, but I'm afraid you can't hold it!"

Sheng Yiting looked at her suddenly, lowered his head quickly, and kissed her on the lips.

Tong Siyao opened her eyes wide and held her breath.

Having said so much, there is no contact at this moment to be true. Everything in the past, like an electric shock, clearly appeared in my mind.

He straightened up and let out a sigh of relief: "Didn't I hold it?"

Tong Siyao listened, stretched out her hand to hook him, and said slyly: "Come again."

Sheng Yiting breathed, looking at her like a monster: "Are you serious?"

"Come on~" Tong Siyao looked at him defiantly.

Sheng Yiting took a deep breath, rushed to hold her face, and kissed her hard.

He was not afraid of her refusal, and he was not afraid of her playing tricks. He was completely predatory and ravaged her as much as he wanted.

How long have you not touched her?

Three years? Four years?

To him, it seems like a long time has passed.

He wanted to conquer her, and she responded to him badly, holding his back with both hands and scratching gently.

The fire on his body was quickly picked up, if it weren’t for her injuries, he would--

Sheng Yiting was startled, afraid that it might be pressed into her wound, and let her go in time.

He looked at her out of breath, Tong Siyao panted and said, "Your self-control does not seem to be very good."

Sheng Yiting smiled suddenly and hugged her: "You have gone bad."

Tong Siyao opened her mouth, her heart trembled, and she forgot to speak.

Are they going back to the past?

Sheng Yiting held her face and looked at her seriously: "Since I have kissed, you are responsible, do you know?"

Tong Siyao had a meal: "Everyone is an adult..."

"Hehe..." Sheng Yiting squeezed her face fiercely, "From now on, you will write off without telling me the Anniversary, otherwise we will settle the accounts slowly. Let me remind you, no matter what you choose, finally The result is the same."

Tong Siyao looked at him: "Does your family agree? Does my family agree?"

"..." Is this what she has been struggling with? ! Isn't this enough to support you? Why don't you just say it?

She was stunned when she saw him, thinking that he also thought it was a problem, she stretched out her hand and pushed him away: "Let me tell you straight, I don't want to lose Annian, but I don't want to be picked on by anyone! Also, are you sure we can get back To the past?"

Sheng Yiting glanced at her: "Eating will choke people to death, so don't you eat?"

Tong Siyao suffocated. She knew that she was a little bit choking, so she didn't need him to remind her!

She exasperated and said, "It's different! It's dead if you don't eat, but—"

She stopped talking.

Sheng Yiting sneered: "But without me, no one would die, right?"

Tong Siyao said helplessly, embarrassed and guilty: "So I said, it's different...Your metaphor is incorrect." (To be continued.)

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