Sheng Yiting stiffened, immediately took off his blindfold and looked at her.

She turned on the computer, glanced at him, and whispered: "Go to sleep."

Sheng Yiting looked at her firmly, and she looked at him too. After a while, he put on his blindfold and lay on the sofa, a pain in his heart.

He wants her and he wants the children, and it is best to take them home immediately. Obviously, this dream is a bit extravagant.

Tong Siyao glanced at him and watched the news on the Internet quietly. The mouse and keyboard were useless, so as not to disturb him.

Sheng Yiting slept deeply, and when he woke up, he heard Tong Siyao talking to someone.

He took off his blindfold and looked over. It was the servant of the family.

There was a food box beside Tong Siyao, and obviously the servant was here to deliver the food.

"Master." The servant said hello.

He sat up with a dull expression.

The servant estimated that he was still dreaming, and nodded with Tong Siyao and left.

Hearing the door closed, he looked at Tong Siyao: "How long did I sleep?"

"Four hours." Tong Siyao said, "It's time for lunch, and then go to bed after eating. I just asked the nurse to get a new toothbrush and towel. You should go wash first."

Sheng Yiting nodded, regaining his spirit.

Tong Siyao was sitting on the bed, arranging the dishes and chopsticks, and suddenly thought: I have eaten so much food from the Sheng family, it seems that I can't do it without being personal...

After a while, Sheng Yiting came out of the bathroom vigorously and asked: "Why are the curtains closed?"

He didn't pull it when he slept. Is it because of him?

"I'm afraid it's too bright, it will affect your rest." Tong Siyao said.

Sheng Yiting's heart throbbed for a while, the corners of his mouth grinned, and he happily walked over and pulled it away, saying: "I wear a blindfold, you don't care about me. You have to look at the computer, how hurt your eyes?"

"It's okay." Tong Siyao narrowed his eyes, the sudden light made him uncomfortable.

Sheng Yiting was also a little uncomfortable, and hurriedly pulled up half of it.

The sun was blazing, and he asked: "Your house is also very hot, right?"

Tong Siyao nodded.

"I remember my aunt is going to work. Who will take care of you every year when you are away?"

"Mom goes to work in the hospital, and she takes it all with her. There is a nursery room there. Just spend a little money. When Silu is not in class, she stays at home every year."

Sheng Yiting listened and ate silently and stopped talking.

Tong Siyao knew that he felt uncomfortable, and he felt uncomfortable.

Can't she be wrong?

She took out her mobile phone and dialed Yao Lan's number. After Yao Lan connected, she put her phone on the table and pressed the speakerphone.

Sheng Yiting had a pause and looked at the phone screen, becoming nervous.

"Yaoyao?" Yao Lan's voice came.

"Mom~" Tong Siyao smiled, "Have you eaten yet?"

"It's eating."

"Mama——" Tong Annian's cry came, "Mama~Baby miss you~"

Sheng Yiting breathed, forgetting to eat, and staring at the phone screen, as if he could stare out the child from there.

"Baby Nian~" Tong Siyao smiled, "Mama misses you too~ Has the baby behaved recently?"

"Good!" Tong Annian said hurriedly, his vague voice is cute and tight, "I'm so good! Listen to grandma and aunt."

"Well~ I know that every year is the best and the best~ every year is so behaved, will Ma Ma reward you with a dad?"

"Ahem..." Yao Lan and Sheng Yiting choked at the same time.

Her way of doing this is really wayward!

Yao Lan was startled when she heard Sheng Yiting's voice: "Siyao? Next to you--" (To be continued.)

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