Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1560: I don't want to go with you

Sheng Yiting believes that if we spend more time together, everything will happen naturally.

He asked Tong Annian many times: "Would you like to go to mom's place with me?"

Tong Annian agreed every time.

So Sheng Yiting booked the ticket, and packed his clothes and toys with Yao Lan. On the day of leaving, parrots and rabbits were also mentioned.

Putting the luggage on the taxi, Sheng Yiting hugged Tong Annian from Yao Lan: "It's hot, auntie, don't send it away. I'll call you when I arrive."

"Okay..." Yao Lan looked at Tong Annian reluctantly, and touched his face, "Do you know if the baby wants to listen to his parents and grandparents?"

"I know!" The baby nodded seriously, and couldn't wait to look down at the bunny and parrot in the car.

Sheng Yiting said to Yao Lan: "Then let's go first, you can go up quickly."

He hugged the child and got into the car. Tong Annian immediately hugged the rabbit cage and said softly, "Little white rabbit, let's go to my mother~"

After the car started, Tong Annian was shocked, throwing away the cage and leaning on the window, dumbfounded: "Grandma...aunt..."

He turned his head to look at Sheng Yiting: "Where is the grandmother and aunt?"

"Grandma and aunt are at home, let's go to mother."

"Aren't they together?" The little guy looked at him in surprise.

"Well, grandma and aunt will not go."

"I don't want it!" Tong Annian yelled, and patted a few palms on the car window, "I don't want to go with you! I want grandma and aunt!"


"Wow-bad guy! Where are you taking me? Also abducted Xiao Bai and Xiao Hua..."

"..." Have you watched too many TV shows?


Yao Lan and Tong Silu stood at the gate of the community, watching the car driving out of the alley.

Yao Lan sighed slightly, feeling full of dismay: "I don't know when I will see it."

"It won't be too long." Tong Silu comforted, "I will always come back every Chinese New Year. If you retire in the future, you can move to my sister's place."

"Too troublesome..." Yao Lan sighed softly, turned and walked into the community.

After not taking two steps, I suddenly heard Tong Annian's cry.

Thinking she had heard her wrong, she hurried back and saw that the taxi came back. Tong Annian was waving her little hand in the car, crying.

Yao Lan had never seen him cry so sad before and hurried over.

Tong Annian kicked and kicked Sheng Yiting in the car, crying while crying: "I want to go back! Ooo... I want grandma! Badass! Let go of me..."

Sheng Yiting opened the door and hugged him: "Grandma is here."

When Tong Annian saw that she was really grandma, he immediately rushed to Yao Lan and clasped Yao Lan's neck tightly: "Woo...Grandma! I'm obedient, don't want me..."

"Grandma didn't want you." Yao Lan said, "Isn't the baby going to mother's place?"

"No more..." Tong Annian shook his head, "I want grandma, and mother will come back."

Yao Lan listened and looked at Sheng Yiting embarrassedly.

Sheng Yiting sighed helplessly, "Or...I will pick him up next time."

"Good!" Yao Lan hurriedly agreed, holding Tong Annian tightly. She naturally reluctant to give up the child she raised.

Sheng Yiting drooped his head and took Tong Annian's luggage from the car.

Tong Silu held the rabbit and the parrot, Yao Lan comforted Tong Annian: "The baby does not cry."

The parrot immediately learned to say: "Baby don't cry!"

Sheng Yiting reached out and touched Tong Annian's head. Tong Annian shook his head without looking back, still hugging Yao Lan. (To be continued.)

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