In the afternoon, when Tong Siyao took Tong Annian home, she heard a faint cry of a baby next door.

The house here is very soundproof, and the crying can be heard, which shows how badly we cried.

Tong Annian asked: "Is that brother crying?"

"It should be. We don't care about other people's affairs." Tong Siyao hugged him and entered the door.

Tong Annian was puzzled: Mother said in the morning that she wanted to help others, why don't she bother now?

Since then, the cry of the child can be heard almost every day. Tong Siyao couldn't help wondering whether that Bai Chun was abusing the child!

When I went out one day, I happened to bump into Bai Chun pushing the stroller out.

The child did not cry today, and looked quite healthy. It is estimated that the illness has recovered.

Entering the elevator, Bai Chun pressed the negative first floor. After Tong Siyao stretched out her hand, she was stunned for a while, then put it back.

"Don't see your child today?" Bai Chun asked.

"Go to kindergarten, I'll pick him up."

"Oh..." Bai Chun nodded thoughtfully, looked at the baby in the stroller and muttered: "When the child is older, it is time to read."

Tong Siyao glanced at the child: "He seems to cry often?"

"Yeah, I'm not very good at taking care of him. He was sick again a few days ago and cried harder than usual. Now that he is better, he is not too noisy."

"Didn't you hire housekeeping?"

"I only ask for cleaning, and I will bring the child myself."

Tong Siyao nodded.

After the elevator stopped, she asked Bai Chun to go out first and glanced at his hands—not wearing a ring.

She felt strange before, why hasn't he seen the child's mother? Isn't he married?

But some people don't necessarily wear a ring when they are married. It's hard to guess the situation.

Tong Siyao followed him into the parking lot and glanced at his car as he passed by, as if it was not a new car.

Why didn't he open that day?

He suddenly said, "Thank you for sending the car for maintenance that day."

Tong Siyao was taken aback and smiled at him: "You're welcome."

Bai Chun asked while receiving the stroller, "I don't know what your name is?"

"Oh... my surname is Tong." Tong Siyao opened the bag and took out her business card.

The business card is printed very simply-independent reporter Tong Siyao, the following line in English: October.

Bai Chun looked at her in surprise: "Are you October?"

Tong Siyao was also surprised: "You know?"

"I happened to be concerned about MSF, and I saw your news."

Tong Siyao nodded: "See you later." After speaking, she turned to her car.


At the end of the month, Sheng Yiting returned to the capital.

He has been very busy recently and has not much rest time. After dinner at the Sheng's house, he and Tong Siyao took the children back to their house.

When I got out of the elevator, I happened to bump into Bai Chun and come out to throw garbage.

Sheng Yiting raised his eyebrows in surprise—he didn't know he had an extra neighbor.

Bai Chun was more surprised than him, but soon calmed down and said hello to Tong Siyao: "Good evening."

Tong Siyao also replied, hearing the child crying again, sincerely suggested: "I think it is better for you to find a babysitter. Now the babysitter has a lot of experience."

"Well, I'm already looking for it."

Tong Siyao nodded and entered the house with Sheng Yiting.

Sheng Yiting asked: "Who is that?"

"New neighbor."

"You seem to have a good relationship with him?" Sheng Yiting said sourly.

Tong Siyao smiled: "Are you jealous?"

Sheng Yiting snorted and said nothing.

Tong Siyao smiled and took the Nian Bao to take a bath. (To be continued.)

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