Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1590: Ending: Looking for Zhuoya

Therefore, Xin Rong bid farewell to the entertainment industry and returned to Emilia to join the army.

The fans were reluctant and admired, and left a message on her Weibo: Support the Queen! Bless you and Emilia!

An Qi, who is far away in Hollywood, stopped acting and took Lin Shifei, Hu Kecheng, and Wen Qianyi to follow Xin Rong. An Qi walked very freely and didn't say goodbye to the fans, until the war reporter issued the news.

Simon naturally followed Xin Rong, along with many Mafia men.

Xin Rong used to be a mercenary, and mercenary was to fight for others. She also uses the Mafia's men as mercenaries now, but it's just a salary...I can't get it for the time being, so I pay Simon first.

After Xin Rong arrives at Emilia, he finds Hares first.

After Hares came here last time, he never returned to China. He had already relied on his true ability to command an army.

Not long after, King, who had nothing to do in the Shadow Castle, got the news, and was all upset—Simon counts as a ball? Will my assassin be beaten by his men?

So he took a group of killers and killed him, with a good name: "Queen, even if we are not friends, we are not enemies, but we are not enemies. Let me join in the fun. I will fight where you say you can fight. We can fight side by side with you. , I don’t have that much regret in my heart."

Xin Rong smiled and said, "Okay! If you say it, you will do it! If you don't obey my instructions, how do you hurt me?"


"Hahaha—" Xin Rong laughed.

Simon snorted aside.

Xin Rong whispered to him: "We don't have enough manpower. He has eight people apiece, so you don't have to do it for nothing!"

Simon glanced at King sympathetically, feeling less sour.


He suddenly remembered that his own people are not bad, even if one cannot beat eight, can he beat seven? Is Xin Rong also using herself?

Hmm, the baby will not open the forest anymore.


Sheng Yiting has been very happy recently. The terrorist attack will finally stop biting him, so he can breathe a sigh of relief.

Teasing children, coaxing wives, and engaging in economic construction, these are the days of president!

Who wants to encounter such sad things every day?

On this day, he coaxed Tong Siyao and said that he would hold a birthday party for her, and suddenly received an emergency report: A group of herdsmen from A country entered the border of Xiyuan and had a dispute with the herdsmen of Xiyuan.

Damn it!

What is the matter of the herdsmen? It's country A who commits a crime against China!

There is country M in the front and country A in the back. Is it because he is young and bully?

Sheng Yiting's wife hasn't coaxed her, can she not be angry? Roll up your sleeves and go to the meeting, unfold the map to see-isn't it? It's the unresolved border!

He secretly vowed many years ago that he would not let this hot potato get into his hands! It must be resolved!

It's okay now. You came from Country A first. Don't blame me for being polite!

He immediately convened experts and scholars from various fields to dig out all the materials and let everyone prove from all angles that the land belongs to them!

One of the photos was provided by Yao Lei a few years ago-the back photo he took of Zhuo Ya.

Zhuoya was standing in front of a snow-capped mountain, which blocked country A and China.

At least the location of Zhuoya station belongs to China, and the boundary line must be drawn to the snow mountain! But now, country A wants to assign Zhuoya to them? how is this possible? !

"Look for Zhuoya." Sheng Yiting gave a wonderful command.


In Beiying City, Lu Duo was halfway through his piano practice when he heard the phone ringing.

She put down the violin, picked up the phone and looked at it. It was an email.

Open the email, the content is Morse code, the translation is——

Yao Lei escaped and must be killed. (To be continued.)

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