Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1592: Ending: Who is this person...

Tong Siyao forgot to call Yao Lan, and only remembered after getting out of the taxi.

But we are all at the gate of the community, and I don't bother to fight, just go up.

At this time, Nishihara was already cold, and central heating began. Yao Lan was embroidering things when Tong Siyao entered the door.

Yao Lan was startled when he heard the sound: "Who?!"

"It's me!" Tong Siyao smiled.

Yao Lan hurriedly let go of the needle and thread and walked over, reproaching: "Why don't you say anything when you come back? Scared to death!"

"I forgot." Tong Siyao coquettishly smiled.

"Small hippies!" Yao Lan scowled, "Why come back alone? Where's Yi Ting?"

"He is the president, will he still have time to accompany me?"

"Then you were driven back?"

Tong Siyao said with a bitter face: "What do you say about your daughter? Am I still your own?"

"No!" Yao Lan said badly.

"Okay~ Mom, don't be angry~" Tong Siyao hugged her shoulders, "I'm back to work. I will leave after staying for a day or two at most."

"What kind of job?" Yao Lan asked suspiciously.

Tong Siyao took out her phone and opened the photo album: "I can't tell other people, you are my mother, so there is no such taboo. This time I come back mainly to find someone, here, look at—"

She scanned Zhuoya's photo into her phone, and it was the photo on the phone at the moment.

Yao Lan's stretched out hand paused for a while, then wiped it on his body, took the phone in silence, lowered his head and asked in an erratic voice, "Who is this person..."

"It's Zhuoya. Mom, you have been in Xiyuan for so many years, have you ever met someone named Zhuoya?"

Yao Lan squeezed his finger lightly and returned the phone to her: "I've met so many people in my life, how can I remember? I remember there was someone downstairs called by this name."

"I will wait and ask her." Tong Siyao said.

"What are you looking for this person for?" Yao Lan pointed to her mobile phone.

"National affairs."

"Cut!" Yao Lan couldn't help being amused. "It's still a national event! Okay, you rest first, I'll cook!"


In the evening, Tong Siyao packed her luggage. Treating her home as a transit point, she doesn't need to bring too many things when going to the border.

She took a look at the photo again and decided to buy the same clothes as Zhuo Ya. At that time, she put on her clothes and went to the places Zhuo Ya had been to. Maybe there was something destined in the destiny that let her find Zhuo Ya?

The phone rang, and the phone showed that it was the captain of the special agent following her.

She picked it up, and the people over there said, "Miss Tong, I'm bothering you."

"what's up?"

"It's the case of the person who fainted at the station in the afternoon."

"Oh, is he all right?" Tong Siyao asked concerned.

"As soon as the ambulance took him to the hospital, he woke up, then injured the nurse and ran away."

Tong Siyao: "..."

"It is estimated that it is a homeless man, who has no money, and may have some mental problems."

"Forget it..." Tong Siyao hung up the phone.

She took the photo to find Yao Lan, knocked on the door twice and opened it, and saw Yao Lan hurriedly hiding something in the box.

Tong Siyao knew that there were father's relics inside. It is estimated that Yao Lan was looking at things and thinking about people again, so he didn't reveal it.

"What's wrong?" Yao Lan asked calmly.

"I want to ask Mom for a favor." Tong Siyao walked over and showed her the photo. "I want to get a suit like this, do you have a way?"

"What are you doing with this?" Yao Lan asked in surprise. (To be continued.)

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