Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1605: Ending article: I will not marry others

The driver was shocked and completely stupid.

There were a few loud noises outside, and I couldn't imagine how serious the car accident was.

Gong Bai glanced at the meter, put the money on the steering wheel, patted the driver on the shoulder and got out of the car.

There was chaos on the road, some were scared and crying, some were covering their mouths in fear, some were calling, and some were taking pictures...

Gong Bai blocked all the surrounding sounds and slowly walked towards the center of the car accident.

A luxurious car was squeezed between two large trucks, and the ground was covered with glass shards.

That car was produced by the Streamer Group, and it seems to be a limited edition, so few people can afford it.

What happened in the hospital flashed through his mind like fragments. He walked over and saw Lu Li lying on the steering wheel with his head covered in blood.


When Lu Wei woke up, he felt pain all over his body.

He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. He had a headache and had trouble breathing.

"Husband?" A voice came from the side.

He looked over and saw Yu Xinran's worried eyes.

Yu Xinran gently held his hand, he wanted to pull it out, but he didn't have the strength.

Yu Xinran cried: "You scared me to death...Do you know how scared I am?"

Lu Fei opened his mouth, unable to speak, slowly closed his eyes, and passed out.

When he woke up again, he felt much better.

Yu Xinran changed clothes and combed her hair again, which seemed to be much better. However, her eyes were red and bloodshot.

Lu Wei felt distressed for a while, and said: "Heart Ran..."

Yu Xinran looked at him: "You are dying, do you know?"

Lu Wei couldn't help but smile: "It's dead... or you can marry Gong Bai."

Yu Xinran's eyes widened suddenly: "Dare you!"

"I'm serious... I know you can't forget him..." Lu Fei paused for a while and said, "If I don't die, I don't want to let go... So..."

Yu Xinran exclaimed: "Do you think you are doing it for me?! I tell you, if you die, I won't marry someone else! Do you have the heart to see me alone? You live for me!"

Lu Wei looked at her helplessly: "You don't need to be like this..."

Yu Xinran lowered his head and cried: "You don't care if you don't accompany me to guard the child... You have to leave me alone... Lu Fei! What about your original promise?! Why did you do this to me? Did I choose the wrong one? ?"

Lu Fei was startled, and said anxiously: "No-ahem..."

"Lu Fei!" Yu Xinran exclaimed, "Lu Fei!"

Lu Fei fell heavily on the pillow and fainted.

"Don't have anything to do! Lu Fei!" Yu Xinran cried, "If you have something to do, I won't live...I like you, I love you, don't you know? How can you leave me!!!"


Xizha City.

Tong Siyao is packing up and preparing to return to the capital tomorrow.

Yao Lan asked: "Do you want to come back during the Chinese New Year?"

"Me and Nian Nian can come back, but Yi Ting may not be able to come back. If you can, you and Dad are going to the capital!"

Yao Lan had a pause, then turned and went downstairs: "Let's take a look at that time. You quickly pack up and come down to eat!"

Yao Lan walked downstairs, Yao Lei was watching TV.

He hurriedly stood up and said with a pleased smile: "Zuoya--"

Yao Lanbai glanced at him: "Have you taken the medicine?"

Yao Lei has accumulated a lot of problems over the years and is slowly taking care of it.

"Um..." Yao Lei looked at the TV with a guilty conscience.

Yao Lan said helplessly: "I'll get it for you."

Yao Lei nodded and sat down with a smile. Hey, Ya Ya treats him so well...

There are cultural shows on TV, long ago. It happened to be Lu Duo who appeared on the stage at this time. Yao Lei looked up and was stunned. (To be continued.)

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