Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1610: Finale: The dust settles

Ishida Meiyi sneered: "I'm already dead! She's not dead, where did I come from?"

"Where is she?!" Yu Xinran shouted.

"I don't know!" Ishida yelled louder than her, "Perhaps feed the wolf! Have you ever seen a wild wolf? I love chewing bones!"

"Ah--" Yu Xinran grabbed her head and slammed it heavily on the road.

Mii Ishida cried out in pain.

Gong Bai hurriedly pulled Yu Xinran away and persuaded: "She can't die!"

Ishida Meiyi wanted to bite her tongue and commit suicide. Gong Bai suddenly reached out and pinched her chin and unloaded her chin.

The police ran over with a gun, and Ishida Meiyi looked at Gong Bai angrily.

Gong Bai saw the surging questions in her eyes, and asked, "You want to know who I am?"

Ishida Mii was tortured by the police and nodded helplessly.

Gong Bai leaned in her ear and whispered: "Someone is good at using the whip."

Ishida Mii: "..."

It's King! The original King! But he is not!

So, he learned from King?


Gong Bai helped Yu Xinran to board the military plane. When he returned to the airport, the Sheng family and Yu family came.

"Are you all right?!" Everyone rushed up and asked in a rush.

Yu Xinran shook his head and asked Min Ling, "Lu Fei...how is Lu Fei?"

"He's all right. He just woke up once and is looking for you." Min Ling supported her distressedly.

"I..." Yu Xinran wanted to say something, and suddenly fainted.

Everyone panicked, but Gong Bai knew that she was too tired. He calmly watched her being taken away by her family and shook his hand, feeling a little pain in his palm.

Gong Mo came over: "Cousin, you..."

"I'm fine." He smiled softly.

Gong Mo was stunned and nodded slightly, without asking him what he had gone through over the years.

That all passed. Presumably he came back this time purely for Yu Xinran.


China handed over Ishida Mii to country J through diplomatic means.

Killing her directly is too frustrated. You must use her as a bargaining chip and evidence to negotiate with Country J, and then kill her when you get enough benefits!

Yao Lei cannot suffer in vain, nor can the Lu family die in vain!

So, as soon as Ishida Miyi was handed over to Country J, China released the news: The famous violinist Lu Duo conspired to occupy the family property, killing Lu Qian and Lu Song successively, and injuring Lu Rou and Lu Pei seriously...

When the private diplomacy was over, Ishida Mii was handed over to China by Country J, and China shot her as a murderer "Lu Duo".

After the end, the body of Ishida Mii was sent to the emperor of J country intact...

Emperor J: Hua Guote Mody is too cruel! I feel like I will have a nightmare for the rest of my life!


In the hospital, Lu Wei sat on the bed and Yu Xinran sat on the edge of the bed to feed him soup.

He suffered multiple fractures throughout his body, and he would have to stay in bed for at least three to four months. It takes at least half a year to imagine activities like normal people.

Yu Xinran invited a professional manager to manage the streamer group, and called Yu Ze to supervise. The Yu family agrees very much that Yu Ze is so old that he is just taking exercise.

Lu Fei did not worry that they would ruin the company. Now there are only three people left in the Lu family, and Lu Rou is still unconscious. If you shed all your wealth, you can get happiness, nothing can't do.

And now he finally knows Yu Xinran's mind and can stay with her quietly, he can't ask for it.

Yu Xinran looked up and saw him staring at him, a little uncomfortable: "What are you looking at?"

Lu Wei smiled: "You look good."

Yu Xinran blushed slightly, took the soup and brought it to his mouth: "Open your mouth!" (To be continued.)

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