Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1615: Follow-up: It's your biological son anyway

Gambino and Shan Rong also attended Xin Rong's coronation ceremony. Emilia is now waiting to be happy, Xin Rong has no time to entertain them, and they can't find a place to play by themselves. They come to China the next day, which happens to be Sheng Yiting's birthday.

Although Sheng Yiting is now the president, he is as low-key as possible in personal matters. He celebrates his birthday at home.

Yao Lei and Yao Lan also came to the capital, planning to celebrate the Chinese New Year in the capital. Together with Gambino, Shan Rong, and Tong Silu, it was also quite lively.

Shan Rong and Gambino arrived last, and Tong Siyao was a little embarrassed and guilty of seeing them for the first time. She still remembers that a few years ago, it was also on Sheng Yiting’s birthday, she dumped Sheng Yiting by herself...

Uh... the two elders don't remember this, right?

"Niannian!" Gong Mo called baby Nian, "Call your grandma!"

"Too grandma!" Nian Baobao rushed to Shan Rong excitedly, "Baby miss you so much!"

"Ouch~" Shan Rong was overjoyed, holding him in her arms, "I miss you too!"

Yao Lan said to Tong Siyao: "Your son's dogleg problem has not changed!"

Tong Siyao: "..."

Nian Baobao and his grandmother have seen them many times through videos. They have been busy in recent days and haven't contacted them. Nian Baobao is not a lie.

Shan Rong met Tong Siyao and Yao Lan again, and then went to the room with Gong Mo to put his luggage and change clothes.

Gong Mo asked in passing: "Simon is still in Emilia? I haven't seen him for a long time, how is he?"

"I'm going to be the son-in-law of the Queen, can it be OK?"


Shan Rong sighed: "People are the queen of a country. Can't let her leave the country and follow Simon to Italy, right?"

"That's..." Gong Mo nodded.

"It's a pity that I raised my son for a lifetime, but he became someone else's."

Gong Mo: "..." You seem to have never cared about Simon at all? Simon's adolescence was still spent in China, you and dad went to Happy!

"I don't know what to do with your dad's career."

Gong Mo was also troubled. Shan Rong and Gambino are both so old, inheritance is indeed a problem. However, Simon and Xin Rong can't be separated, right?

"Whatever you want! The leader of the country is not in the country every day, and there should be no problem going abroad!" Shan Rong is no longer worried, "Anyway, he came suddenly, so he didn't have a life!"

"……"Hey! It's your biological son anyway!

Simon cried out in the toilet!

"Hey, I'll go with you every year!" Shan Rong smiled, "Children are cute, you are not cute when you grow up."

"Yes...Mother!" Gong Mo hurriedly took her to the living room.

Shan Rong saw a big man in a room and said to Gong Mo with emotion: "I was in Nanjiang, how would I have thought of today? I don't think I am worthy of knowing a young master of the Sheng family—"

"A person who has been dead for hundreds of years, why do you mention him?" Gong Mo frowned, "Nan Xuan has heard it, so he is not happy again."

"Tsk~ He is bad at this point, he has a very weird temper!" Shan Rong smiled, "But it's good for you. The best thing you did in your life is to marry him!"

Gong Mo smiled and said, "That's ~ I have been looking at it since I was young!"

In high school, people saw Sheng Nanxuan as a dude, but she liked it.

Sheng Nanxuan was talking with Sheng Yiting, Gambino, and Yao Lei, and suddenly looked back at her.

She was taken aback, knowing that his ears were good, and hearing it again, she couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

Sheng Nanxuan also smiled, then turned around and asked Sheng Yiting: "When are you planning to hold the wedding with Siyao?"

"Probably in the second half of the year, like in September or October." (To be continued.)

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