Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1620: Follow-up: wedding, attracting worldwide attention

Sheng Yiting: "I have started preparing here, and the time has been fixed."

Simon: "Me too!"

"I announced it first."

"I am an elder!"

"I'm older!"

"My son is about to be born!"

"My son is going to elementary school, I want to give him legal status as soon as possible!"

Simon suddenly stopped talking.

Sheng Yiting asked nervously, "Uncle?"

Simon said angrily, "Then you go first!" He hung up after speaking.

Sheng Yiting wondered: Why did you suddenly figure it out?

Simon went to Xin Rong depressedly: "My dear, when do you think we have the wedding?"

Xin Rong was looking at the documents related to the country's construction, and without looking up, he said, "Just be ready to inform me!"

Simon took a deep breath and told himself to calm down: She is the queen! She is busy with national affairs! She is very busy! Not deliberately ignore yourself!

He said: "But you are pregnant, unless it is held right away, otherwise..."

Xin Rong suddenly raised his head: "Then wait until you are born!"

"..." Why do you feel that you don't want to marry me?

In the end, it was decided that Sheng Yiting will be held this fall and Simon will be held next spring.


The wedding of Sheng Yiting and Tong Siyao is scheduled to be held in the Presidential Palace in early October.

On this day, not only family and friends gathered together, but also celebrities and politicians from all over the world came to congratulate.

As the president of a country, Sheng Yiting's wedding naturally attracts worldwide attention. The entire wedding process was broadcast live on TV stations, and other countries have also purchased the broadcasting rights. The grand occasion of the wedding was watched by billions of people.

Xin Rong gave birth to a child a month ago, a daughter named Judy. She had just had her confinement, and she came to congratulate Simon and invited those foreign guests by the way: I attended the wedding of the President of China this year, and I went to my wedding next year~

In fact, many people don't want to go. China is so big, what is your Emilia? But everyone invited them personally, so they nodded.

So in the second year, Xin Rong and Simon's wedding was also very grand, and it was still broadcast live globally.

On the Chinese side, all the members of the Sheng family came together, and Sheng Yiting and Tong Siyao were also present in person. Xin Rong also invited his friends in the entertainment industry.

During the wedding, Sheng Nanxuan suddenly turned his head and said to Gong Mo next to him: "All of our families get married when they have children, so it won't work!"


"If Shuangxue is like this, I will break that man's leg!"

"..." Hey, you are only allowed to set fire to the state officials and not to the people to light up lights! However, she is not allowed!

"Li Cheng!" the bishop above announced.

Gong Mo looked over, saw Simon kissing Xin Rong, clapping happily.

Sheng Nanxuan glanced at her and applauded with a smile.

He has experienced everything in his entire life, and it's worth it. It is a pity that there was no such a grand wedding for Gong Mo.

He stretched out his hand to hold Gong Mo's hand, and Gong Mo asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Sheng Nanxuan sighed softly: "I feel like I owe you a lot, and I should give you a wedding that has attracted the attention of the world."

"I don't want it!" Gong Mo blurted out, "How troublesome? It's enough to have you. I think I am happier than them!"

Sheng Nanxuan smiled and put his arm around her shoulder: "With your words, I am relieved."

Gong Mo whispered: "In fact, I think I owe you a lot. If you don't mind, I will pay it back in my next life~"

"What if I'm not so good in my next life?"

Gong Mo was taken aback, then he thought for a while and said, "Then I will pretend not to know you."


Gong Mo snorted: "At the beginning of this life, you didn't look good. I will slowly find that you are good."

Sheng Nanxuan groaned: "That's pretty much the same." (To be continued.)

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