Tian Yuan shook her head hurriedly: What do you think? The sections in romantic novels are not suitable for "brother"!

However, seeing his own underwear hanging in a row with his clothes, there is always some heat on his face.

Turning around, Tian Yuan forgot these crazy things again.

She is sitting on the sofa and watching TV with her mobile phone.

When Lin Weiqin came back, he asked, "Why don't I turn on the TV? How much does my phone hurt my eyes?"

"Uh..." Tian Yuan looked at him innocently.

He couldn't help but laugh, and took the remote control and turned on the TV: "What are you and me?" After he finished speaking, he gave her the remote control.

Tian Yuan pointed to the phone: "This is for the website."

"The TV is networked."

"Oh..." Tian Yuan took the remote control panel silently.

Lin Weiqin turned around and went to the laundry room. Seeing her clothes on the balcony, Lin Weiqin suddenly felt hot.

He took his clothes back into the room and said to her when he passed the living room: "The clothes will dry in a while, you remember to collect them early."

"...Hmm." Tian Yuan buried her head, and the steam on her face rose.

She thinks Lin Weiqin is so naive, it's no wonder that a lot of years have no girlfriend, and she really doesn't understand the girl's thoughts! Can such a thing be said? Can you say it? Can you say it? (Ask important things three times!)


Tian Yuan stayed at Lin Weiqin's house for three days, alone and widow, even if she treated him as her brother, it was a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, Lin Weiqin has a good living habit. She doesn't run around disheveled, and the embarrassment will not be exposed. It is because she has too much brain and thought.

Mingming He Tiancheng said that she was with Lin Weiran. However, Lin Weiran hasn't appeared in these three days, so I hope that she won't wear a gang.

After these few days, she discovered many of Lin Weiqin's advantages-early to bed and early to rise, regular work and rest, regular exercise, cooking and delicious food, love of cleanliness, love of labor... He is a good man at home!

Such a person has no girlfriend, he must be gay!

Suddenly, she looked at Lin Weiqin's eyes differently.

Lin Weiqin gave her the ice cream she had made, met her look like this, thinking that her hard work was finally rewarding, and acted harder, asking softly, "What do you want to eat at night?"

Tian Yuan: "..." Why do you feel that there is a tail shaking behind him?

She hadn't eaten the ice cream yet, so she said embarrassedly: "Just make it whatever you want."

Lin Weiqin looked at her itching and wanted to reach out and pat her head, but didn't dare.

At this time, Tian Yuan's cell phone rang.

Tian Yuan looked at the IDD, her face changed, and she hurriedly stood up: "I'll take a call!" Then she hurried back to the room with her mobile phone.

Lin Weiqin was estimated to be Chen Jiahan, and suddenly felt so boring, and sat on the sofa with a depressed expression on his lips.


It was Yang Danqi who called.

After filming, Chen Jiahan decided to contact Tian Yuan, but found that Tian Yuan's phone could not be reached.

He suddenly felt relieved, and said to Yang Danqi: "It looks like she blacked me out, shouldn't it?"

He had been dating Tian Yuan for two years, and he had chased him for so long before, so naturally he really liked Tian Yuan in his heart. Had it not been for Yang Danqi to hook him up again, he wouldn't have done anything to be sorry for Tian Yuan.

Tian Yuan has a good heart, and there is such a great mother. No matter what, he earned it. How can he move other thoughts?

But Yang Danqi didn't let him go.

In fact, he didn't think about chasing Tian Yuan at the beginning. He was the schoolmaster at that time. How can he know who Tian Yuan is? (To be continued~^~)

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