Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1644: I want you to hug me

"Okay, I see." Sheng Yiting handed the phone to the employee, "Go and help Mr. Lin solve the problem!"

Tong Siyao asked: "What's wrong?"

"Don't worry. I originally thought, let's have a daughter, but suddenly found out that the daughter is really boring."

Tong Siyao's eyes widened suddenly, blushing, threw the rose on his hand to his face, turned and left.

He was taken aback, and picked up the rose to follow: "Hey. Will it be born?"

"Aren't you talking about grinding people?" Tong Siyao turned her head, the amorous feelings on her face extremely moving.

Sheng Yiting dragged her hand, bit the flower in her mouth, approached her and said, "I want to be rubbed by someone..."

Tong Siyao couldn't help being funny: "What are you doing? A good president is going to pretend to be a cowboy..."

"Do you like it?"

"Like! I like it best, right?"

Sheng Yiting hugged her, and she exclaimed, "Why? It's not dark yet?"

"It's almost dark!"


Tian Yuan put down her glass, squeezed into the dance floor drunkly, and twisted her body to the beat of the music.

A man walked over, put his hand around her waist, and asked in a low voice: "The beauty is in a bad mood? Have a drink together?"

Tian Yuan drew aside, turned to look at him, and suddenly smiled: "Okay~"

To be proud of life, you must have fun, but you must indulge if you are unhappy!

She decided to indulge today!

The man was overjoyed and walked to the bar with his arms around her, and said to the bartender: "Make two glasses of wine." As he said, he winked at the bartender.

The bartender glanced at Tian Yuan, and secretly dropped a pill into one of the glasses while mixing.

This medicine is to increase sexual interest, and women will become very active after taking it.

Bartenders often help the men in bars like this, and they get paid well afterwards.

The bartender pushed the wine to Tian Yuan: "For the most beautiful girl~"

Tian Yuan held her head and blinked lazily.

The man next to her gave her wine: "Come on, cheers."

Tian Yuan straightened her waist, picked up the wine and touched him, the wine in the glass spilled a little.

The man was taken aback, for fear that he would fall down. This medicine is not cheap!

Tian Yuan picked up the wine and drank it with her head up.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, and drank the wine in the glass, then took out a few banknotes and placed it on the bar, and stretched out his hand to embrace Tian Yuan: "Baby, are you okay? Do you want me to carry you?"

Tian Yuan looked at him, smiled lightly, and put her arm around his arm: "I want you to hug me~"

The man was itchy, and immediately picked her up and left the bar quickly.

Entering the parking lot, he hugged Tian Yuan to a car, opened the door and put it in the back seat, then sat in and slammed the door.

"Where is the wine?" Tian Yuan flattened her mouth and asked vaguely.

"Wine, there will be in a while, I will give you the best drink~" The man stretched out his hand and stroked her face, jumping with excitement.

Tsk tsk, the skin is really good, depending on her look, maybe it's still good.

The man licked his lips, lifted Tian Yuan's chin with his hand, and kissed it——

"Evil--" Tian Yuan suddenly vomited, and all the filth was vomited on him.

The man was stupid, and it took him a long time to react: "My car!"

Damn it!

The point is not the car!

The man grabbed his nose and got out of the car.


Lin Weiqin parked his car outside the bar, walked into the bar with his mobile phone, and walked towards the location marked on the screen.

Looking up, he saw the bartender fiddling with a mobile phone.

He packed his cell phone and walked over to grab the cell phone from the bartender. (To be continued~^~)

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