Lin Weiqin stopped the car, tied her to the seat again with a seat belt, and drove the car away faster.

After a while, when he arrived at his residence, he hugged Tian Yuan into the bathroom, put her in the bathtub, turned on the faucet and showered it down: "You calm down!"

Tian Yuan stretched out her hand to block the water curtain, slowly put her hand down, looked at him and smiled: "Aren't you going to sleep with me?"

Lin Weiqin froze.

She got up, stretched out her hand to grab his trousers and slowly stood up, grabbed his collar and pulled her, raising her face and covering his lips.


The shower head in Lin Weiqin's hand fell to the ground, and the spray rushed to the ceiling.

He pushed her away, pressed her against the wall and asked harshly, "Do you know who I am?"

"I care who you are!" Tian Yuan shouted angrily, "I want to indulge today!"

"You are crazy!"

"Um..." Tian Yuan suddenly lowered her head in pain, then leaned against him like a cat, then raised her head and kissed him enchantingly.

Lin Weiqin had to accept the reality-she was really drugged, and this state was controlled by the nature of the drug.

She doesn't know what she is doing...

The sweet lips came up and got into his mouth playfully. She whispered and twisted impatiently in his arms.

Lin Weiqin closed her eyes, and her self-control fell apart.

He is not a saint, the only thing he wants in this life is her...

He hugged her tightly and kissed her hard.

The spray from the shower head turned into mist in the high air, and the air became completely humid and hot, covering the two people's bodies hazy.

Everything is like a dream, to him, to her.


When Lin Weiqin woke up, the sun had just risen.

The sun was creeping outside the curtains, trying to sneak in. The light at the moment is warm red, and people can't help but want to get close, much brighter and dazzling than a few children.

Lin Weiqin stared at the ceiling, feeling the unusual sweetness in the air, the breath coming from the pillow, and the warmth that touched his body.

He knew that last night was not a dream.

But he couldn't believe it, he really did it!

This is how to do?

He turned his head and saw Tian Yuan lying next to her, her messy hair covering most of her face, her breathing was long and even, and she was obviously sleeping very heavily.

Did you tired her last night?

Lin Weiqin's heart tightened, and she sat up gently. Seeing that her body was covered with traces made by herself, her lower abdomen suddenly became hot, and her heart was mixed.

are you happy?

Of course he is happy. This is the girl he has liked for many years. Now he finally got her. Even if it's just a body, it's a big step. Can you be upset?

But more is fear and anxiety.

What will happen to her when she wakes up?

Will she be shy or sad? Would you hate him? Will you scold him? Will she follow her maverick mother, after a long time, the child grows up, and will not give him a place?

The impulse and desire remaining in the body are all dissipated because of this worry.

He got out of bed gently, covered her with a quilt, and went to the bathroom.

Standing under the shower, he raised his head to let the water drip on his face. The beauty and enthusiasm of last night echoed in his mind uncontrollably.

My body was hot from the memory, and a certain part of my waist became hard.

Lin Weiqin supported the wall with his left hand, grabbed it with his right hand, and gently shook his Adam's apple, rolling up and down in panting, and his restrained cry came from the sound of water: ""


Lin Weiqin walked out of the bathroom, still with a spring look on her face.

He was wearing slippers, a bath towel wrapped around his waist, his pectoral muscles and abdominal muscles were exposed, and the water from his hair slipped slowly down his shoulders. (To be continued~^~)

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