Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1662: No! I do not want!

"You want to be beautiful!" Tian Yuan turned her head and pushed him away, "Lin Weiqin! It's not because you like it, you can write off everything you do! I don't like you again!"

Lin Weiqin had a heavy breath and pressed the turbulent emotions and said, "Is it to blame me? Have you forgotten, you started it! If you don't get drunk or be drugged, I need to touch you so early?! I have been waiting for you for four years. Do you still care about waiting for a few more years?! You have a boyfriend, I endure it; you broke up, I dare to treat you brazenly!"

Tian Yuan's expression moved, and she suddenly remembered that they hadn't had much contact for a long time before they met at the airport during summer vacation.

She did stick to him when she was young, and he treated her very well. But suddenly one day, he began to hate her and avoid her, and she was still sad at that time. Later he had a girlfriend, and she was naturally embarrassed to join in again.

Four years ago, his girlfriend abandoned him to go abroad, and he has been alone...

He was obviously for his girlfriend, when was he waiting for himself again?

Tian Yuan was very angry.

Lin Weiqin said: "I thought I could pursue you slowly... Now, do you want me to have no wife?"

"You--" Tian Yuan's eyes widened, what did he mean, he didn't have a wife to blame her?

Lin Weiqin grabbed her and said fiercely: "If I could have abandoned you originally, but you are now my woman, there is no way to avoid me! You are the one who provokes me, so you can't think of being irresponsible!"

"You--" Tian Yuan was angrily, "You want me to be responsible?!"

"Yes! You kissed me first!"

"I..." Tian Yuan shook him away, "I didn't mean it! Didn't you say that I, I... I was drunk? And I was drugged?"

She collapsed and cried: "Who gave me the medicine? Who!" Who hurt her like that!

Lin Weiqin held the steering wheel: "When you go to a bar to drink alone, you must be prepared to lose your body. Last time you were lucky, and you met Wu Yan, and you met me again, otherwise something would have happened long ago! Minutes, you were taken away!"

"Who told you to go!" Tian Yuan cried, "You let me be taken away!"

Lin Weiqin grabbed her chin and gritted her teeth and said, "Are you being protected too well, I don’t know how dangerous the world is? Do you think you will be treated with gentleness if you were taken away? I heard that man gave him My brother called and said he would call more people to play with you, would you?"

Tian Yuan shook and looked at him in horror, unwilling to believe it.

Lin Weiqin shook her off, started the car, and drove forward quickly, arriving downstairs at her house in a short while.

He took out the pair of earrings he bought in the morning and stuffed them into her hands.

Tian Yuan shook her hand and wanted to refuse.

He held her hand and said: "Since you don't like me, I will slowly make you like me. But there is a saying I said in the front, I will not give up. And, you can only be mine. "

Tian Yuan shook him away and smashed the box containing the earrings.

Lin Weiqin caught it and forced it into her hand.

She shouted: "No! I don't want it!"

Lin Weiqin got angry, got up and rode on her, pulled her hands above her head, and lowered her head to kiss.

"What are you doing?!" Tian Yuan screamed, "Let go of me! What do you want to do?!"

Lin Weiqin stopped and said viciously: "I want to **** you!"

"You--" Tian Yuan widened her eyes in disbelief, her eyes full of disappointment, she didn't expect him to say such nasty things. (To be continued~^~)

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