Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1664: What did dad do to Lin Weiqin?

Zeng Shuai's eyes were full of anger, he lowered the muzzle and shot him against his shoulder.

Lin Weiqin was shocked and fell heavily to the ground, blood gurgling on the ground.

Zeng Shuai stood up and threw the gun on him: "Don't challenge my anger!"

Lin Weiqin blinked when he heard him leave. At this moment, he felt that he was going to lose Tian Yuan.

He grabbed his wound and got up, walked to the coffee table, and picked up the phone on it.

He wanted to say something to Tian Yuan, but when she saw the two text messages that she had just sent, she did not respond.

"Sorry..." he whispered, kneeling to the ground, crying in disintegration.

He wanted to call an ambulance, but at this moment he gave up, released the phone, and just fell to the ground.

His brain was blank, and a sudden scream sounded. He looked over and Lin Weiran ran over in a panic.


Tian Yuan lay on the bed, her eyes closed. Tian Cheng accompanied her for a while and then went out. When the door was closed, Tian Yuan opened her eyes and hurriedly got up, rushed to the dressing table and picked up the earrings given by Lin Weiqin.

Tian Cheng didn't know the origin of this thing, so he put it away for her.

She opened the box and saw that the earrings were her favorite style, but at the moment they are too disgusting!

She opened the window, trying to throw the box out, when suddenly she heard the door bell.

She was startled, and then heard Zeng Shuai's voice: "What are you doing here?!"

Tian Yuan was nervous, thinking of what Lin Weiqin had done in the car, for fear that he was here. What if he knows he throws away the earrings and goes crazy again?

She hurriedly closed the window, put the earrings back on the dressing table, then rushed to the door to lock the door, and then put it on the door to listen to the movement outside.

"Wei Qin made a mistake, I have no way to discipline!" It was Lin Lei's voice, "You leave him a way out, I will send him abroad immediately, and never let him come back. He will never come to disturb Tian Yuan again! Brother, I Just such a son..."

"You don't need to send him abroad!" Zeng Shuai said coldly, "In the future, you'd better put him in the country, don't let him take a step abroad! Because I'm going to send Tian Yuan abroad soon, I don't want my only daughter anymore. Hurt!"

"...I see." Lin Lei said, "I'm sorry..."

Tian Yuan was full of doubts: What did father do to Lin Weiqin?

She twisted her eyebrows, and thought cruelly: Will he kill him? No matter what he does, he deserves it!

I keep saying that I like her. What happened? The people in this world who really like her, only Zeng Shuai, her biological father, and only he can protect her. Other people will hurt her no matter how much they like her.


On Monday, Tian Yuan returned to school and started going abroad.

She was going abroad suddenly, and her roommates and classmates were very puzzled, but she didn't explain anything, only that it was an arrangement at home.

On Tong Siyao’s birthday, she thought that Lin Weiqin would also go, so she simply asked for sick leave and asked Sheng Shuangxue to bring the gift to her, and then invited her roommate to dinner.

Lin Weiqin didn't go to the presidential palace either, he was still in the hospital.

When Sheng Shuangxue asked Lin Weiran what was going on, Lin Weiran was a little guilty and evasive.

Sheng Shuangxue remembered the scene of having a meal and shopping in the mall last week, and couldn't help thinking about it.

After returning home, she immediately complained to Gong Mo: "Mom! I have a major discovery!"

"Your sister-in-law is pregnant with a second child?" Gong Mo hurriedly asked.

Sheng Shuangxue suffocated, and said silently: "Even if the eldest brother is looking forward to the second child, why are you looking forward to it?" (to be continued~^~)

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