Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1671: Tian Yuan, you are so cruel

"It's right to ignore her." Lin Weiqin always felt that Lin Jing had a problem with his head, and even his aunt didn't like it. As for Yang Danqi, he doesn't like it even more.

He twisted his eyebrows and suddenly felt a headache.

Yang Danqi hurt Tian Yuan in this way, it's not because...

"But anyway, Dan Qi is not her own. She begged twice to no avail, and she doesn't intend to care about it."

Lin Weiqin sneered and went out carrying his jacket.

Lin Weiran shouted: "The plane has already taken off, don't go to the airport!"

With a sound of footsteps, Lin Weiqin slammed the door and took out his mobile phone to call Tian Yuan.

Tian Yuan was already on the plane.

Tian Cheng and Zeng Shuai wanted to accompany her, but she refused, so she was the only one. Only in country Y will someone answer her.

The stewardess gently reminded everyone to wear seat belts and turn off their mobile phones. At this moment, her mobile phone rang.

The stewardess looked over, she said sorry, took out her phone, and was taken aback.

The bell kept ringing, and the stewardess came over: "Miss?"

Tian Yuan looked at her.

She smiled and said, "There are two minutes left, you can hurry up."

"Thank you." Tian Yuan smiled embarrassedly and answered the phone decisively.

Lin Weiqin actually didn't hold any hope. He couldn't believe it when the phone was connected: "Yuanyuan?"

Tian Yuan asked: "Does Dan Qi like you?"

Yang Danqi's reaction to the barbecue that day was very strange. Later in the police station, this speculation became stronger.

Although Yang Danqi and Lin Weiqin are cousins, they are not Lin Jing's biological after all, and there is nothing wrong with them getting married.

Lin Weiqin paused, did not speak, and her hand holding the phone trembled.

It looks like he really hurt her...

Yang Danqi... this crazy woman!

"I'm leaving." Tian Yuan sighed.

"I'm sorry." Lin Weiqin blurted out, the next second, the phone hung up.

He closed his eyes, the corners of his eyes slightly moist.

She obviously said when she was young that when she grows up she will be the bride of brother Wei Qin...

And now...

She left him and left.

Tian Yuan, you are so cruel.


Three years later.

Country Y.

In the hot June, Tian Yuan walked along the tree-lined avenue, wearing a cotton skirt.

Next to her was a young man wearing spectacles. The man was full of books and looked like a weak teenager.

He stared at her affectionately, talking to her nervously and softly, for fear of frightening her.

Tian Yuan responded faintly, polite and alienated.

There were trees along the way, she was in the shadow, although the air was hot, but she was cool and sweat-free.

Walking to an independent red brick hut, she stopped and said to the man indifferently: "Then goodbye."

The man looked at her reluctantly: "Are you not coming back anymore?"

"Well, I should go home."

He frowned slightly, full of disappointment: "You said before that you want to stay for further studies..."

"I thought about it, it is better to go back to China for further study. After all, I will work in China in the future, so I should systematically understand the knowledge there."

The man sighed and smiled optimistically: "Okay. Anyway, I will return to China in the future, and I can meet again at that time."

Tian Yuan smiled slightly: "I am looking forward to it."

After speaking, she opened the door and entered the room, and shut him mercilessly.

The man was stunned, took a deep breath, and walked away from behind.

There were tulle-like curtains hanging from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cabin. He couldn't see the inside from the outside, but he could see him from the inside. (To be continued~^~)

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