Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1683: In my dream, he wouldn't be nice to me

Tian Yuan sat quietly on the sofa, drinking juice.

The people around gradually got drunk and yelled, she just got out of the bar.

The coastline is brightly lit, like a burning fire belt.

She walked forward, lying on the railing, and the sea was sparkling below.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the sea breeze blowing from the sideburns, making people unconsciously intoxicated.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

She was startled, her eyes opened, and she smelled alcohol.

"Yuanyuan--" Chu Ge's voice whispered in her ears.

She turned her head abruptly and saw Lin Weiqin looking at herself with red eyes.

He smelled of alcohol, obviously drunk.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Not a stranger is good, otherwise...

Lin Weiqin held her face, smiled softly, and gently embraced her.

Tian Yuan leaned on his shoulder, looking at the lights in the distance, and wondered: Isn't this Sicily? Why is he here?

He held her contentedly, kissed her ear gently, and hugged her tightly.

"You are so good this time." He said happily.

Tian Yuan wanted to push him away, he said nervously, "Well, well...I won't say anything, let me hug."

Tian Yuan pushed him away and looked at him angrily.

His eyes were full of pain, and he raised his hand to touch her face.

She drew back abruptly, looking at him displeased. She doesn't like wine lunatics!

His hand stiffened, his loss fell, and he turned to look at the sea: "You hate me so? You don't want to be nice to me in your dream..."

Tian Yuan suffocated: He thought he was dreaming? !

"I'm not good..." he said, "How can you beg you to be nice to me?"

He turned to look at her, reached out his hand to cup her face, and lowered his head to kiss.

Tian Yuan did not move. After a while, he raised his head and looked at her happily and affectionately: "Today's dream is really good..."

After speaking, he lowered his head again and carefully tested her reaction, feeling that she hadn't pushed him away, he was so excited that he could not hold on to himself, and hugged her sideways.

Tian Yuan looked at him, raised her hand around his neck, and watched his expression intently. Is he really drunk?

He held her firmly, turned and walked forward.

The night scene was shining, and she closed her eyes as if she was dreaming.


Entering the room, he gently put her on the bed, half-pressed on her body, and looked at her intently.

Tian Yuan became scared, not afraid of what he would do to herself, but afraid that he would be sober.

She didn't know how to face him sober!

She wanted to leave, Lin Weiqin pressed her down abruptly, and said anxiously: "Don't go! Don't go..."

Tian Yuan watched his eyes nervously, he paused, and lowered his head to kiss.

Tian Yuan trembled and slowly closed her eyes.

He walked with both hands on her body, and soon tore her clothes apart, his movements gentle and urgent.

"Yuanyuan...Yuanyuan..." He muttered like crazy, "Okay? Are you willing?"

Tian Yuan looked at him without speaking.

He felt that she had no objection, and kissed her again, did not feel her resistance, and did the next thing.

He is very gentle, Tian Yuan can't remember what he did last time, and it is probably the same. But last time he was sober and should be more gentle.

But later, when he got excited, she couldn't bear it, but the strange satisfaction and comfort made her want to stop. She just wanted more, hugged him tightly, biting her lip and moaning brokenly...

He kissed her lips and said roughly: "Don't bite... it will hurt..."

He hugged her tightly: "Bite me...you bite me!" (to be continued~^~)

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