Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1685: She didn't admit it

Lin Weiqin couldn't help but excitedly said to the staff: "Thank you!"

He walked out quickly and called Lin Weiran after getting in the car: "Did Tian Yuan come to Italy?"

"How do I know?" Lin Weiran called.

"You can find out for me."

"Have you met her?" Lin Weiran asked in surprise. She naturally knew that Lin Weiqin went to Italy on a business trip.

Lin Weiqin paused and said, "I seem to have seen it last night, but I was drunk and can't remember."

"Are you dreaming?" Lin Weiran murmured, "I'll find out."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the scenery outside the window and smiled cheerfully.

After a while, he was surprised!

He won't force Tian Yuan, will he?

Lin Weiqin's whole body is not well, and she jumped up nervously.

After arriving at the airport, he received a call from Lin Weiran.

Lin Weiran said: "She went to film with the crew, and the crew is going abroad, but I don't know if they will go to Italy."

"it is good……"

Lin Weiqin was already convinced that it was her, but wanted to get more evidence so that she could not deny it.

In the VIP lounge, he slowly stirred the coffee.

Suddenly, a group of men and women with yellow skin and black hair walked in.

Lin Weiqin moved for a while, raised his eyes and looked over. Several of them are quite familiar, who are entertainers in the entertainment industry.

Is it such a coincidence?

He looked back and saw Tian Yuan falling behind, moving quietly.

She wore a colorful short one-piece dress and a small pearl white coat over her shoulders, which was elegant and unobtrusive in the crowd.

She seemed to feel his gaze, and she looked over, her face suddenly changed.

Lin Weiqin looked down and took a sip of coffee.

Tian Yuan stood outside the door, and the cast member called her before she recovered and walked in slowly with her head down.

After she sat down and ordered a glass of clear water, Lin Weiqin walked over, and the others looked at him suspiciously.

He stood in front of her and whispered: "Yuanyuan."

"Is Miss Tian's friend?" someone asked Tian Yuan.

Tian Yuan didn't say a word, and everyone left in shame.

Lin Weiqin looked down at her, she was wearing a thick decorative necklace around her neck. He looked there and saw a little trace, which should have been made by him last night.

She covered it with foundation, and it won't come out without a closer look.

Lin Weiqin moved her finger, feeling a bit hot on her fingertips, and immediately sat opposite her: "Last night—"

Tian Yuan suddenly raised her head and stared at him.

His voice stuck in his throat, and he paused and asked in a low voice, "Is that you?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Tian Yuan said coldly.

Lin Weiqin stabbed in her heart, unbelievably satisfied, injured and looked at her angrily.

She twisted her head, took the water in the cup and drank it dry, then got up and left the waiting room.

After getting on the plane, he didn't see her in the first class. The plane started taxiing on the runway. He couldn't help asking the stewardess: "Where is Miss Tian?"

Tian Yuan must have bought a first-class ticket, otherwise she would not go to the VIP lounge just now! For first-class passengers, flight attendants will have an impression of their names.

The stewardess said: "Miss Tian has changed to business class."

Most of the cast members sit in the business class. Only the director, the lead actor and Tian Yuan sit in the first class class, and the rest of the staff take the economy class.

Tian Yuan has changed, and the director and lead actor are still there, both looking at Lin Weiqin.

Lin Weiqin put on the blindfold, feeling painful in her heart.

She didn't even admit it!

Wait... Did he hurt her last night?

Lin Weiqin is more irritable, what can I do? (To be continued~^~)

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