Si Chen stood beside her, glanced at her phone unkindly, and suddenly realized that the person in the crowd was Lin Weiqin.

He panicked: What is their relationship?

Lin Weiqin looked at this side for a moment.

He just thought Tian Yuan was here alone, but she didn't seem to be.

While speaking, he glanced here again. People around found out, Chao Tian Yuan looked over.

Tian Yuan turned around and walked out of the crowd.

Lin Weiqin stopped her voice immediately.

He stood a little higher, and saw her walking to the side to look at the little robot on the ground, relieved, and continued to explain to everyone.

Tian Yuan squatted on the ground, Si Chen also came over: "Should we go first?"

"No, these robots can play football, let's see." Tian Yuan said happily.

On the ground is a small football field. The staff next to it used the system to give orders to the robots. The robots were all in their positions and started kicking the ball.

The children around let out cries of surprise, lying on the ground watching with gusto.

Tian Yuan's attention is not here, she has been listening to Lin Weiqin's voice.

She thought blankly: He is so knowledgeable! How could he be so good? Good-looking, well-educated, good at cooking...

Thinking about it, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, even she didn't know it.

Si Chen saw her several times and knew she was in a daze, got up to listen to Lin Weiqin's explanation.

Lin Weiqin was showing everyone a robot. After spotting him, he gave him a sharp look, and then put him aside completely, as if he did not look at him.

Si Chen was anxious and sighed in his heart.

Lin Weiqin finished explaining, it was already half past six.

He packed up his things and walked towards Tian Yuan.

Si Chen also hurriedly walked over, and said one step ahead of him: "Yuanyuan--"

Lin Weiqin glanced at him, flying knives in his eyes: actually shouting "Yuanyuan"?

Then he looked at Tian Yuan, who just turned her head, his eyes could not help but accuse.

Tian Yuan was inexplicably guilty and stood up.

Seeing that her eyes didn't fall on him, Si Chen realized that Lin Weiqin was a strong enemy.

"Ah..." Tian Yuan exclaimed with her feet numb.

The two held out their hands at the same time, and Si Chen suddenly thought that he had never had close contact with Tian Yuan before, and after a pause, Tian Yuan was held by Lin Weiqin.

Lin Weiqin asked worriedly: "Is it all right? Is it numb? Are you dizzy?"

Tian Yuan leaned all the weight of her body on him, and whispered: "Just my feet..."

Lin Weiqin hugged her sideways, and she was surprised: "What are you doing? Quickly let me down!"

"Sit down there," Lin Weiqin said.

Tian Yuan looked over and saw that there was a stool over there, and couldn't help but glance at Si Chen.

Si Chen followed them with a calm face.

Lin Weiqin put her on the stool, squatted halfway in front of her, took off her high heels, put her legs on her own, and gently kneaded her feet and calves.

Tian Yuan was dumbfounded, Si Chen suffocated his breath and said to Lin Weiqin: "You are not influential like this."

Lin Weiqin ignored him, squeezed a few times and then suddenly paused, looking up at Tian Yuan.

If Tian Yuan is unhappy, he will naturally let go.

But Tian Yuan was still in a daze. He lowered his head and continued to massage her.

Si Chen looked at them and could only act in a hurry.

It took ten minutes before Tian Yuan came back and said, "Okay."

Lin Weiqin immediately let go of her, put her shoes on, and then stood up.

Tian Yuan stood up and Si Chen asked her: "This is..."

Tian Yuan glanced at Lin Weiqin and thought: Can't you introduce him as my only man? (To be continued~^~)

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