Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1709: So i decided to wait for you

Tian Yuan's eyes widened suddenly and looked at him incredulously.

He raised his hand and gestured: "You were probably so tall at that time... I was about to graduate from college. Anyway, you are cute in my eyes from childhood to adulthood, and others are less than one ten thousandth of you! Wei Ran is still arguing with me, asking who is my sister. But one day, you are so cute that I can't help but want to kiss you. I was shocked and felt very perverted. You are still in elementary school. Ah, how can I have this kind of thought for you? Therefore, I can only alienate you and dare not treat you well again..."

Tian Yuan remembered that he did slowly alienate herself at that time, and inexplicably lost her temper to herself, causing her to alienate him.

"But it still doesn't work. I can't forget you. I just have a girlfriend." Lin Weiqin said painfully, "I am serious about dating, but dating and shopping are like completing tasks. I don't like it at all. You graduated from junior high school. When I went to celebrate your cousin’s birthday, I went too. That day you wore a small skirt with champagne on top and floral butterfly underneath..."

"It's Maple Leaf..." Tian Yuan corrected weakly.


"It's Maple Leaf." Tian Yuan said affirmatively, "There are photos to prove it."

Lin Weiqin thought for a while and took out the phone to look through the photos.

Tian Yuan craned her neck and took a look: "You too?"

"Cough..." Lin Weiqin didn't dare to let her see the screen, opened the album and took a look at it. It was Maple Leaf.

He wondered and said: "I often see why I don't find it? It has been remembered as a butterfly."

"The butterfly is just a butterfly." Tian Yuan asked, "What happened then?"

"Cough!" Lin Weiqin glanced at her with a guilty conscience, blushing and looked away, "I suddenly found out that day that you are no longer a child, your waist is your waist, your hips are your hips...like an adult."

Tian Yuan: "..." Damn! He wouldn't yell himself in his head at that time, would he? It's a beast!

Lin Weiqin said quietly: "At that time, I thought I was still very young and our distance was not that far. So I decided to wait for you and wait for you to grow up."

Tian Yuan never expected that he still had such a hidden feeling about his feelings.

She felt relieved, but she didn't believe it: "I...how do I know what you said is true or false?"

Lin Weiqin had a meal, "How do you want me to prove it?"


"I have a clear conscience for you!"

"Then you and Le Yi--"

"We only held hands."

Tian Yuan's eyes widened: "How is it possible?! You have been dating for two years!"

"If I can't do anything else, I will endure holding hands."

Tian Yuan said: "Suddenly I think you are scumbag."

Lin Weiqin's black line: "It's not all for you!"

"But Le Yi is innocent."

Lin Weiqin paused and said, "I was sorry to her at the beginning, but at least I haven't hurt her. I bought her all the clothes she wanted, so it's a tie!"

Tian Yuan suddenly asked sourly and angrily: "You still buy her clothes and bags?"

"……"sweat. He used people as a shield at the beginning, and he was doing it for his conscience.

However, don't justify this kind of thing, Tian Yuan's little girl is stingy!

He coughed and said, "I will only buy it for you in the future."

Tian Yuan snorted and twisted the beginning.

Lin Weiqin leaned over and asked pitifully, "I have been confessed and lenient, can you stop being angry?"

"What should I do if I am going to be angry?" Tian Yuan asked deliberately. (To be continued~^~)

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