Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1715: No amount of suffering is worth it

Tian Yuan pushed him away, rolled over and lay on him, reaching out to touch a round scar on his shoulder: "What is this?"

Lin Weiqin glanced at it and said for a moment in silence: "Your father used a gun."

Tian Yuan looked at him in surprise: "When?!"

"Just before you go."

"I...I don't know." Tian Yuan said guiltily and distressedly.

"It's okay." Lin Weiqin hugged her, "To be able to have today, no matter how much suffering is worth it."

Tian Yuan cried and threw into his arms: "He hit you, why don't you hide?"

"I hurt you, and I want to beat myself, so why hide?"

"You--" Tian Yuan looked up at him.

He stretched out his hand and stroked her face: "I won't hurt you again in the future."

Tian Yuan pursed her lips and cried sadly: "I hurt you too... I broke your heart."

"It's fine if you know it." Lin Weiqin snorted, "Do you know if you want to love me well in the future?"

Tian Yuan suffocated, bending her elbow and hitting his chest hard.

He gasped with pain and turned over to suppress her: "It looks like you are very physically strong, I will consume you more!"

"Ah—" Tian Yuan shouted, "No! Lin Weiqin—"

Lin Weiqin kissed her and swallowed her shouts...

When this time is over, it is already dark............

Tian Yuan said weakly: "Hungry..."

"I'll do it for you!" Lin Weiqin hurriedly got up.

He was indeed too much just now!

Even if the relationship between the two has been entangled years ago, this is after all the first day of formal contact. So hungry, won't you scare her away?

He put on his clothes nervously and decided to make more delicious things to atone for his sins!

I walked into the kitchen and looked at the ingredients in the refrigerator. They were bought two days ago. They were not fresh enough and there were not many varieties.

Although he can cook a few dishes, he doesn't want to wrong his girlfriend who just took office.

However, if he goes shopping now, he is reluctant to leave her alone at home.

I just treated them like that just now, and now I immediately leave them alone, a bit of a scumbag.

The most frightening thing is, what should he do if he comes back after buying good food and finds that there is no her at home? !

Thinking of this, he pinched himself fiercely, only to realize that it was not a dream.

The thought of the development of this day might be a dream, he is crazy!

He took a deep breath, stopped thinking about it, and started sorting the ingredients.

After half an hour, he heated the oil and sauteed the onion and ginger.

Suddenly, both hands stretched out from behind and wrapped her waist.

He immediately said: "Let go!"

Tian Yuan was taken aback, eyes full of injuries.

Lin Weiqin also found that something was wrong, and hurriedly grabbed her hand and turned her head back: "Wait later, don't be splashed by oil."

When Tian Yuan heard this, she was immediately happy, and threw herself on him: "I'm not afraid!"

Helpless, Lin Weiqin rolled up her apron and covered her hand before she started cooking.

Tian Yuan smiled and hugged him tightly, and asked after a while: "Hey, what do you think I call you? I always think it's weird to be called Weiqin."

"Then call your husband!"

Tian Yuan stepped back and punched him on the back.

He smiled straight.

She walked to the side depressed and watched his cooking: "What does your dad call you?"

He paused and said, "Lin Weiqin."

Tian Yuan was silent for a moment: "I feel like my uncle dislikes you very much."

Lin Weiqin glanced at her: "Humph!"

Tian Yuan giggled.

After a while, he cooked the dishes and said to her: "Give me one plate." (To be continued~^~)

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