Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1722: Don't be so good to other people

"It must be in love!" Zeng Shuai is approaching the enemy, "I think she often texts with her mobile phone! I don't know which **** is so bold! Last time you said who came to the company, it was her classmate from country Y , Won't it be him?"

"Do you care about him? She is so old, she should fall in love, don't make trouble!"

Zeng Shuai: "..." Is he such a person?

The next day, Tian Yuan went back to her side.

I called Lin Weiqin, and Lin Weiqin rushed over quickly and brought her a gift, a diamond brooch.

Tian Yuan asked in surprise: "What is this for?"

"I bought it for you when I saw it." Lin Weiqin smiled.

Tian Yuan looked at the brooch in silence for a while, and asked, "Is it expensive?"

"Compared to savings, it’s just a drop in the bucket." Lin Weiqin kissed her, "I have nowhere to spend my money anyway, it can only be spent on you. And I should have dated with you three years ago. In that case, Valentine’s Day, Gifts should be given on anniversaries, Christmas, etc. I have to slowly make up."

Tian Yuan smiled and accepted it generously: "Then don't give me gifts on Ching Ming Festival!"

"What nonsense!" Lin Weiqin stretched out her hand and squeezed her nose, "but I hope you can accompany me to the grave sweep next year at the latest."

Tian Yuan snorted: "Then you have to work hard~ After my dad's level, you can say anything."

Lin Weiqin felt shoulder pain when she heard it, and there was a faint gunshot in her ears.


After a while, Tian Yuan went to a foreign crew.

The night before leaving, Lin Weiqin cooked her a sumptuous dinner and rewarded her stomach fiercely.

He rewarded her fiercely while sleeping—well, maybe he rewarded himself.

When they got up in the morning, the two of them entangled in bed again. Lin Weiqin was afraid that she would miss the flight and did not dare to continue making trouble. She got up and prepared to put on clothes: "Get up."

"Don't~" Tian Yuan pulled him, "How can you throw it away after you use it? Bad guy——"

Lin Weiqin smiled helplessly: "I'm going to make good food for you——"

Tian Yuan rushed over, pressed on him and said, "Actually you are delicious~"

"... Fairy!" Lin Weiqin rolled over and pressed her, "You lighted the fire yourself, I don't care if you missed the plane!"

When Tian Yuan heard this, she immediately pushed him away: "Yes! Don't miss the flight!"

Lin Weiqin stared at her blankly, she was already sitting up and getting dressed.

Lin Weiqin gritted his teeth: "You deliberately!"

"No! You said you can't miss the flight!"

Lin Weiqin helped the amount.

Tian Yuan stretched out her feet and kicked him, and asked innocently, "Will you not make me breakfast?"

Lin Weiqin sighed and went to cook for her.

Tian Yuan washed over and hugged him from behind.

"It's ready soon." Lin Weiqin said softly.

Tian Yuan stretched her head to look at him, and he asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Be careful, don't get scalded!"

"When I leave, you have to be good~" Tian Yuan said, "Don't be so good to other people."

"I'm so good to you!" Lin Weiqin said, "I came here when you didn't want me, now I can't wait?"

"Who doesn't want you?" Tian Yuan whispered.

Lin Weiqin looked at her: "So...you never meant that?"

Tian Yuan stuck out her tongue and turned to go out.

After a while, he put his breakfast on the table, "Eat slowly, I will take it to you after I finish it."

"I'll go by myself. A taxi will be here soon. It's already late. You should also go to the company to check it out. Don't do your business."

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