"If you leave me behind again, I will be like this for the rest of my life, and I won't survive!" Lin Weiqin hung up the phone.

Tian Yuan was taken aback, holding her mobile phone for a while, and then she opened the door and said to the assistant outside: "Please tell everyone, I feel a little sick, so I won't go.

The assistant asked worriedly: "Does Miss Tian need to see a doctor?"

Tian Yuan shook her head: "I'll just take a rest."

"Then...do you want to prepare dinner for you?"

"I can do it myself."

"Okay, then I'll go first." The assistant left wittily.

Tian Yuan closed the door with a headache.

She washed her face, lay down on the bed for a while, and felt much better.

He picked up the phone and called Lin Weiqin, but he never answered.

Is this angry?

Tian Yuan was irritated, sat for a while, picked up her coat and bag and left the room.

She wanted to eat, passing by high-end restaurants, food stalls, roadside stalls...Whenever there was something she wanted to eat, when she thought of Lin Weiqin's cooking skills, she felt that the whole world was inferior to him, and suddenly she didn't want to eat.

Finally, she hungry and dragged her tired body back to the hotel.

After entering the door, the lobby manager came over: "Miss Tian, ​​is it?"

Tian Yuan glanced at him lazily: "What's the matter?"

"There is a gentleman looking for you over there. I have been waiting for a while." The lobby manager pointed to the sofa.

Tian Yuan looked over and saw Lin Weiqin sitting there reading the newspaper.

She was shocked and hurried over.

Lin Weiqin raised his head, paused for a while, gently put down the newspaper and stood up.

Tian Yuan rushed to him and asked breathlessly, "Why... why are you here?"

"You are crying." Lin Weiqin said naturally.

Tian Yuan looked at him and wanted to cry again.

He walked over and put his hand on her shoulder: "Say another place."

Tian Yuan hurriedly turned around, led him into the elevator, and asked: "When did you come? Why didn't you call me?"

"Just arrived. No one went to your room. I guess you went out, so I didn't disturb you."

"I..." Tian Yuan said aggrievedly, "I wanted to eat, but I walked around and didn't eat anything..."

Lin Weiqin glanced at her in surprise, reproaching and distressed: "Why don't you love yourself so much?"

Tian Yuan held his hand, looked at him and asked: "Why are you here so fast?"

"When I received your call, I was already at the airport."

In other words, he was ready to come over without getting through her phone?

Tian Yuan plunged into his arms and burst into tears.

Lin Weiqin felt better when she saw that she was willing to be close to herself. But seeing her sad is all kinds of uncomfortable.

The elevator stopped and he walked out with his arms around her. Walking outside Tian Yuan's room, Tian Yuan took the room key and opened the door.

After entering, Tian Yuan wiped her tears and looked at Lin Weiqin awkwardly: "Sit down first, do you want to drink water?"

Lin Weiqin sat on the sofa and stretched out her hand.

She was stunned for a moment, walked over and put her hand on his palm, and she was pulled into his arms in the next second.

Lin Weiqin hugged her without speaking.

Tian Yuan's tears were streaming out. She raised her hand and wiped it, and suddenly bit his shoulder.

Lin Weiqin hugged her tightly in pain, waited for her to let go, and then asked, "Let's talk, what's the matter."

Tian Yuan sniffed: "Le Yi said...she was pregnant with your child. If you don't want her, she will have an abortion!"

"Nonsense!" Lin Weiqin shouted angrily.

Tian Yuan asked as she wiped her tears: "Didn't you say you didn't have a relationship with her? Is there any?" (to be continued~^~)

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