Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1736: Dad will settle the accounts for you

Lin Weiqin and Tian Yuan returned from buying vegetables and immediately went into the kitchen to work.

Zeng Shuai followed, Lin Weiqin became nervous all over: "Uncle——"

Zeng Shuai sternly said to Tian Yuan: "You go out!"


"He will let you do things in his own house. He must not abuse you when I can't see it!" Zeng Shuai shouted.

Tian Yuan looked helpless: "If I don't do anything, I'm afraid he will despise me..."

"I won't!"

"He dare!"

Lin Weiqin and Zeng Shuai said in unison.

Zeng Shuai heard this and snorted coldly: "Spoken words."

Tian Yuan said helplessly: "Well then, I'll go out."

She turned around and walked out, seeing Zeng Shuai standing still, and hurriedly asked: "Dad! Are you not going out?"

Zeng Shuai hugged his arm and said viciously: "I supervise him!"

Tian Yuan hesitated for fear that he would bully Lin Weiqin.

Lin Weiqin said: "You go to accompany auntie."

Tian Yuan had to go out.

Zeng Shuai looked at Lin Weiqin—he wanted to see if Lin Weiqin made the dishes by himself!

Lin Weiqin looked at him and started to get busy.

Zeng Shuai watched his movements. He was very proficient. He seemed to be more proficient than himself... Hehehe, how could it be possible? It must be a flowery! Can't see it!

In the end, Lin Weiqin made a sumptuous lunch. After Zeng Shuai tasted the taste, he obviously felt that his cooking skills were not as good as the other's, and felt a little unhappy!

"Why did you learn to cook?" he asked Lin Weiqin fiercely.

Lin Weiqin answered honestly: "When I was in junior high school, I occasionally helped my mother. After graduating from college, I always did it by myself."

Zeng Shuai was very upset: What does this mean? Challenge me? As long as you are talented and have a short learning time, the effect is good?

He really wants to continue targeting Lin Weiqin, anyway, he is the old man, he is the biggest!

But thinking of Tian Yuan...

He looked at Tian Yuan's worried expression, and his heart softened: Forget it, he didn't want his daughter to be too worried, let alone let her hate him.

He gave Lin Weiqin a sideways glance: "Then you have to practice more. Learn a few more dishes, otherwise Yuanyuan is tired of eating and doesn't want you, I won't help you!"

Tian Yuan smiled and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Weiqin was also secretly relieved and nodded to Zeng Shuai.

Zeng Shuai snorted again, still full of unhappy heart.

After eating, Lin Weiqin cleaned up the kitchen.

Zeng Shuai checked it again, hummed and said, "Okay! Go on a date, let alone my old man being unreasonable!"

"Thank you Dad!" Tian Yuan said, "If you don't dislike it, we will come back later--"

"Dislike it!" Zeng Shuai said sternly.

Tian Yuan had a meal and pouted and said, "Then I will come back before I go on a business trip~ Bring Wei Qin with him."

Zeng Shuai glanced at Lin Weiqin, grinded his teeth, but did not object.

Tian Yuan rushed to hug him, and kissed him on the cheek: "I knew Dad was the best!"

Zeng Shuai smiled and patted her head gently: "Go. If he bullies you, tell Dad, Dad will settle the account for you."

Tian Yuan fell silent suddenly, then nodded, her eyes a little wet.

When Lin Weiqin slept with her, he beat Lin Weiqin severely, and then shot Lin Weiqin again. After all, I feel sorry for her.

She silently released Zeng Shuai and left with Lin Weiqin.

After entering the elevator, Lin Weiqin asked, "What's wrong?"

Tian Yuan looked at him: "Dad...really treats me well and loves me very much." (To be continued~^~)

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