Lin Weiqin: "Uh..."

Mother Lin said anxiously: "You are not young anymore! Get married early so you can have children!"

Lin Weiqin smiled and said, "No matter how many men can give birth, Tian Yuan is still young, so don't worry. Besides, aren't you still retired? Now you are born, you can't hold it a few times. It's Tian Yuan's mother...she has a lot of time. "

Mother Lin said, "Then a few years later! When I retire, I can bring you children!"

Your grandson can’t be held by others every day!

Lin Weiqin smiled and nodded.

When Tian Yuan came back from a business trip, he asked Tian Yuan: "Should you be less nervous now? Go to my house when you are free?"

Tian Yuan was taken aback, then nervous again: "I..."

"I told my mother, she is looking forward to it."

Tian Yuan's eyes widened: "You, what did you say? She... how did she react?"

"Of course it's very welcome. She recognized you as a daughter-in-law a few years ago, and she blames me every day for being unsatisfactory..."

Tian Yuan blushed, and she was a little happy: "I... I just bought a gift back. I don't know if she likes it or not."

She turned around to sort out the presents. Lin Weiqin watched by the side and said, "I must like it. Didn't I tell you this? You actually remembered all of them, but you are really interested in..."

"It's not enough for you to have me!" Tian Yuan glared at him.

He smiled and held her in his arms: "Of course it's enough! It's fine if you know you are mine..."

Lin Weiqin felt her soft body, and with a thought, she lowered her head and kissed her.

The two hadn't seen each other for many days, and they were a little emotional. It's still early anyway, Lin Weiqin plans to have a love first, and then cook dinner.

At this moment, when the phone rang, Tian Yuan was taken aback, and hurriedly jumped out of his arms.

He glanced at her helplessly and answered the phone: "Why?"

Tian Yuan wondered--who is this tone of voice?

Lin Weiqin simply pressed the speakerphone and put the phone on the coffee table.

Tian Yuan saw that the caller ID was Lin Weiran.

She held her breath and dared not let Lin Weiran discover her existence.

Lin Weiran asked: "Didn't it mean that Tian Yuan is coming back today? Wu Yan and I have ordered a hot pot and asked her to come together!"

"Can't you make an appointment earlier?" Lin Weiqin asked.

Tian Yuan pinched him: Why do you talk to your sister like this?

Lin Weiran asked, "Isn't it okay to invite you to dinner? Don't you want to eat?"

"I want to do it myself."

"Then let's come over!"

"Forget it, how can I refuse your treat?"

"Look at you being stingy! I will definitely speak ill of you in front of Tian Yuan in a while and let her hang you for a few more years!"

Lin Weiqin twisted her eyebrows and then hung up the phone.

Tian Yuan chuckled and looked at him triumphantly: "It looks like Sister Wei Ran is on my side~"

"Happy?" Lin Weiqin squeezed her face, "My whole family is on your side, I seem to have picked it up. But if you follow me, don't call Wei Ran sister, she should call your sister-in-law!"

Tian Yuan blushed: "She is older than me, I should be called my sister..."

"Married to her husband--"

Tian Yuan suddenly raised her face and asked solemnly: "Why don't you marry your wife?"

"I want too." Lin Weiqin smiled, "I follow you from other people, but my family is really no way. You can't let me call Wei Ran sister?"

"..." Tian Yuan thought about that situation and couldn't help laughing.

Lin Weiqin hugged her: "Well... when will you be my wife?" (To be continued~^~)

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